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divine praises in spanish

. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Benedictum dirigidos hacia el gran portal de la ascensin. Saint Faustina's Praises of the Mercy of God. The psalms are the divine praises that were sung in the past. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Amen. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Diras que valoras las alabanzas divinas. . We will never deny before men, You and Your Divine rights over us and all mankind. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Benedictum Nomen Iesu blessing God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Oremos: Jesucristo, seor que dijiste: Pedid y recibiris, llamad y se os abrir, concdenos a nosotros, te lo rogamos, la mas perfecta adhesin a tu divino amor, para que te amemos con todo el corazn, te revelemos en nuestras palabros y en nuestras obras, y nunca cesemos de alabarte. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause: hear His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through His infinite merits hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor and miserable sinners. grief for the blasphemies uttered against Your Holy Name, /and for the offenses committed against Your divine worship /and the observances of Your Church.O my God! El Abogado Todo-Misericordioso abre Sus labios para implorar por nuestra causa. Para algunos las alabanzas divinas son un aspecto importante de la Adoracin. Gesegnet sei St.Joseph, ihr keuschester Gatte. Amen. Dios inspir muchas de las alabanzas divinas. Benedicta excelsa Mater Dei, Maria sanctissima. La Divina Liturgia de San Juan Crisstomo La Santa Misa en ingles y en espaol. The Divine Praises were originally prayed as an act of reparation for Chc tng danh xng Maria, c M ng trinh v c M. Includes selected prayers from St. Faustina's Diary , hymns and prayers by St. Thomas Aquinas, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, The Divine Praises, and a guide to the Sacrament of Penance. Precious Blood UPDATE: Obscure and beautiful Latin version has surfaced! Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Amen. Most Rev. La imagen no fue donada gracias al vidrio que protege, pero ofrezcamos: Gloriosa Virgen Maria, Madre De Dios y nuestra Madre, torna Tus ojos en lastima de nosotros miserables pecadores; estamos afligidos por todo el mal que rodea nuestras vida, pero especialmente sentimos que nuestro corazn se quiebra al or los horribles insultos y blasfemias pronunciados contra Ti. Blessed be His Most Ave Maria - Hail Mary - Dios te salve, Maria. Our Father. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. For some, divine praise is an important aspect of worship. to praise the virtues of sth alabar or elogiar las virtudes de algo. /Infinitely worthy of all adoration and love /I prostrate myself at Your feet, /filled with. We're not salespeople, but we depend on donations averaging $14.76 and fewer than 1% of readers give. O Jesus, whose adorable Face was adored with profound respect by Mary and Joseph when they saw Thee for the first time, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face ravished with joy the angels, shepherds and Magi in the stable of Bethlehem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face wounded with a dart of love the aged Simeon and the Prophetess Anna in the temple, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in tears in Thy holy Infancy, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face filled with admiration the doctors in the temple, *, O Jesus, the charms and grace of whose adorable Face win all hearts, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is characterized by nobility, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the admiration of the Angels, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the sweet delight of the Saints, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the masterpiece of the Holy Spirit, in which the Eternal Father is well pleased, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the delight of Mary and Joseph, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the ineffable mirror of the Divine Perfections, *, O Jesus, the beauty of whose adorable Face is ever ancient and ever new, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face, full of modesty and sweetness, attracted the just and sinners, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face appeases the anger of God, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the terror of the evil spirits, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the treasure of grace and blessings, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was exposed to the inclemency of the weather in the desert, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was scorched by the sun and bathed in sweat on Thy journeys, *, O Jesus, the expression of whose adorable Face is wholly Divine, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face sorrowed and wept at the tomb of Lazarus, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was brilliant as the sun and radiant with glory on Mount Tabor, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is worthy of all reverence, veneration, and worship, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face grew sad at the sight of Jerusalem when Thou didst weep over that ungrateful city, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bowed down to the ground in the Garden of Olives, and covered with confusion for our sins, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in a bloody sweat, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was kissed by the traitor Judas, *, O Jesus, the sanctity and majesty of whose adorable Face smote the soldiers with fear and cast them down, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was struck by a vile servant, shamefully blindfolded and profaned by sacrilegious hands of Thine enemies, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was defiled with spittle, and bruised with so many buffets and blows, *, O Jesus, the divine look of whose adorable Face wounded the heart of Peter with repentant sorrow and love, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was humbled for us at the tribunals of Jerusalem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face didst preserve Thy serenity when Pilate pronounced the fatal sentence, *, O Jesus, the brow of whose adorable Face was crowned with thorns, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face covered with sweat and blood fell in the mire under the heavy weight of the Cross, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face the pious Veronica wiped on the Way to Calvary, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was raised on the instrument of the most shameful punishment, *, O Jesus, the eyes of whose adorable Face were filled with tears of Blood, *, O Jesus, the mouth of whose adorable Face was filled with vinegar and gall, *, O Jesus, the incomparable beauty of whose adorable Face was obscured under the dreadful cloud of the sins of the world, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was covered with the sad shades of death, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was washed and anointed by Mary and the holy women and wrapped in a shroud, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was enclosed in the sepulcher, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was all resplendent with glory and beauty on the day of the, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was dazzling with light at the moment of ThineAscension, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is hidden in the Eucharist, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will appear at the end of time in the clouds with great power and majesty, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will cause the wicked to tremble, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will fill the just with joy for all eternity, *. Las lgrimas que corren en abundancia de vuestros ojos son para mi otras perlas preciosas que me complazco en recoger, a fin de comprar con su valor infinito las llamas de los infelices pecadores. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. the relationship between the Holy Face of Jesus and His Holy Name. Embrace us at the hour of our death in Your Kingdom for all eternity, through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother, of all Your Saints who behold You in Heaven, and the just who glorify You on earth. DIGITAL. Completamente entregndote me alma a Ti, yo humildsimamente te ruego que imprimas este sello sobre todos nosotros, para que la imagen de Dios pueda ser una vez ms reproducida por su impresin en nuestras almas. schoenstatt.de. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Amen. . Gloria - Glory Be - Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espritu . When the cares of the day are past, let the, Cuando hayan pasado los afanes del da, vulvase a reunir la familia en. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Mother Maria Pierina De Michelli. Gesegnet sei die groe Gottesmutter, die Allerheiligste Maria. ofm.org. Nevertheless, under those disfigured features, I recognize Thy infinite Love and I am consumed with the desire to love Thee and make Thee loved by all men. O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us a memorial of your Passion: grant, we implore you, that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood, St. Athanasius relates that the devils, on being asked what verse in the whole Scripture they feared most, they replied, That Psalm which begins: Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered. OFRENDA DEL SANTO ROSTRO DE NUESTRO SEOR JESUCRISTO A DIOS EL PADRE CON EL FIN DE APELAR SU JUSTICIA Y LLEGAR A NOSOTROS MISERICORDIA. Mira en cambio en el rostro de tu Hijo Amado, porque esta es la cara de aquel en el cual Usted est complacido. And because God wills not the death of a sinner, but that they be converted and live, she also prayed the words of Christ from the Cross: Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do., There are many Rosaries or Chaplets in addition to the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Offering to the Eternal Father by Holy Man of Tours Leo DuPont. Blessed be God. Daniel E. GarciaBishop of MontereySubcommittee Chairman, Most Rev. V. Levntate, O Seor, y que Tus enemigos se dispersen. Te lo presentamos a Ti con confianza, para implorar Tu perdn. Conception For David, the biblical writer, divine praise was a source of relief. English to Spanish translation of " las alabanzas divinas " (the divine praises). The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Cmo se dice the divine praises en espaol? Oh como estos impos decires ofenden la Infinita Majestad De Dios y su nico hijo engendrado Jesucristo! Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart to praise God or the Lord alabar a Dios or al Seor. De regres o a la Capilla, se recitaron Himnos de Alabanza y fue impartida la solem ne bendicin. Now, even more than in the days of the prophet Ezekiel,/ men neglect and profane Your holydays because their hearts are given to idols./ Slaves of avarice and of pleasure, they no longer have time for Your worship, or attraction to Your altars./ The days set apart for Your service are profaned by their worldliness or pleasure./ They have abandoned Your house; /they fly from the preaching of Your Word;/ they despise the Sacraments and graces of the Sanctuary to give themselves to labors forbidden,/ or to amusements still more criminal.O Lord!/ Grant us the grace to make reparation for this contempt and forgetfulness of You/ by the zeal and fervor of our adoration. Amen. Como provocan Su indignacin y nos dan causa para temer los terribles efectos de su venganza! Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Muchos no ven la importancia de las alabanzas divinas en la Adoracin. in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Loving Jesus, we place our family under the protection of Your Holy Face, and of Your Virgin Mother Mary most sorrowful. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Format: Full-length. Eternal Father, turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people whose face has become unsightly in your eyes. La blasfemia y la profanacin de sus das santos. En las alabanzas divinas inspiradas en la Biblia aprendemos mucho sobre Dios. Oracin Para Ofrecer El Rostro de Jess Santa de Dios El Padre para aplacar su justicia y llamar su misericordiaPadre Eterno, vuelve Tu mirada enojada lejos de nuestro pueblo culpable cuyo rostro se ha vuelto desagradable en sus ojos. Be merciful to us, O God, and reject not our prayers when, amid our afflictions, we call upon Your Holy Name and seek with love and confidence Your Adorable Face. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. - Today I reviewed the divine praises. Amn. El Defensor Misericordioso abre la boca para pedir por muestra causa; escucha su llanto, observa sus lgrimas, Oh Dios, y a travs de sus infinitos mritos escchalo a El cundo intercede por nosotros pobres pecadores miserables. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. We now offer You this Holy Face, covered with shame and disfigured by bloody bruises in reparation for the crimes of our age in order to appease Your anger, justly provoked against us. Saint of the Day for Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, 5 prayers you should say this Lenten Season News, 7 Morning Prayers you need to get your day started with God, First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. Holy Face Novena 2023 Feast of the Holy Face ofJesus, St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, A Face to Contemplate Pope St. John Paul II, Study on cloth of Oviedo and Shroud of Turin, The Face of Christ: Shusaka Endo's Silence, A Supraposition of Shroud, Manoppello and other images, LIVE at Sanctuary Basilica of the Holy Face of Manoppello, The Face of God The Rediscovery of the True Face of Jesus, Ignatius Press, Holy Face of Manoppello Italian Documentary, Questo veramente il volto di Cristo Volto Santo di Manoppello, The Long Road of Fr. Assumption of the Virgin, Palma Vecchio, 1512-1514. schoenstatt.de. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Cuando entono las alabanzas divinas puedo sentir la presencia de Dios. Cordero de Dios, que quitas los pecados del mundo, Ten misericordia de nosotros, Jess. Study Spanish grammar, learn the rules, and know-how and when to apply them. Divine Praises in Spanish How to say divine praises in Spanish? May the heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time, Amen. siguiendo un designio que el hombre est llamado a descubrir, respetar y promover, venciendo la tentacin antigua de "ser como Dios". $1.29. la estabilidad en todo el pas y apoyar los esfuerzos del Gobierno a fin de fomentar la capacidad institucional. I want to write the divine praises with my own hands. civil society into the process for saving the world's tropical forests while strengthening developing nations. Let us pray. These imprecations are often recited at the conclusion of the Little Chaplet of the Holy Face. Opten para ellos De Dios Todopoderoso las gracias de conversion, magnificando tu bondad, poder y misericordia y que juntos con nosotros proclamemos Bendita entre todas las mujeres Inmaculada Virgen Maria y compasiva Madre De Dios. Amen. Let us pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, who has said: Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you; mercifully attend to our supplications, and grant us the gift of Your divine charity, that we may ever love You with our whole heart and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising You.Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Your Holy Name, for You never fail to help and govern those whom You bring up in Your steadfast fear and love: who lives and reigns for ever and ever. (general) a. adivinar Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited divine adjective (Rel) divino; (sublime) sublime; (wonderful) divino; maravilloso; noun telogo (m) modifier Oh, my beautiful Immaculate Mother Mary, Queen of Sorrows, I beg thee, by the inexpressible agony thou didst endure at the foot of the Cross, offer to the Eternal Father, in my stead, the Holy Face of Thy Divine Son, my Jesus, covered with blood, wounds, and other indignities heaped upon Him during His Sacred Passion, and beg of Him to grant (here mention the grace or favor you desire). No todas las alabanzas divinas son msicales algunas son slo poesa. Oh Virgen Inmaculada, de quien estamos frecuentemente constrenidos de escuchar. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Proverbs 4:7. Gloria, Ofrenda del Santo Rostroatreves de Maria por San Juan Bautista Vianney, Oh Madre de Jesus, por Tus inconmensurables dolores durante la pasin y muerte de Tu Hijo divino, y por las amargas lagrimas que derramaste, te pido que ofrezcas en sacrificio el Rostro Santo, cubierto de heridas y de sangre de nuestro Redentor, junto con Tus dolores y lagrimas, al Padre Celestial, para la salvacin de las almas y para adquirir las gracias que te pido suplicante. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Bendito sea el Espritu Santo el Parclito. Do thou obtain for them from Almighty God the grace of conversion, and thus render more manifest and more glorious thy kindness, thy power and thy great mercy. Bendita sea la gran Madre de Dios, Mara Santsima. Que el mas santo, ms sagrado, mas adorable, ms incomprensible e inefable Nombre de Dios sea por siempre alabado, bendecido, amado, adorado y glorificado, en el Cielo, en la tierra y bajo la tierra, por todas las criaturas de Dios y por el Sagrado Corazn de Nuestro Seor Jesucristo en el Santsimo Sacramento del Altar. Han abandonado Tu casa, se distancian de Tu Palabra: desprecian Tus Sacramentos y las gracias de Tu santuario para darse a labores prohibidas o diversiones criminales. It is also said after having heard, seen or inadvertently uttered profanity or blasphemy. Encuentro en las alabanzas divinas una comunin con Dios que no encuentro de otra manera. Estas blasfemias son una profanacin de lo mas Santo, es un ataque a Tu infinita majestad y un ultraje contra el Rostro de Tu divino Hijo, un crimen sin excusa, sin otro motivo que la maldad que Te odia. And just because we love thee, we will do all that is in our power to make thee honored and loved by all men. Benedicta excelsa Mater Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. we are led to the grand portal of ascension. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. It is traditionally recited during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Divine Praises (Blessed Be the Lord) [MP3] Blessed Be the Lord. The Little Chaplet of the Holy Face is a gem, which is not only very short, but also very powerful. , . Blessed be His Holy Name. May the thrice-holy Name of God overcome all their plans! En vez de ello, mira el Rostro de Tu Hijo amado; porque es el Rostro de Aquel en quien T te complaces. Divine Praises Catholic Online Prayers Printable PDF Blessed be God. May the Holy Days of Your Church be sanctified by all men! O Jesus, be mindful of us forever and never forsake us; protect our family. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, The force of the affirmation is to be noted: even knowing the "written culture" (littera always implies this meaning) and the, "wish to know" are fully in conformity with life in the Spirit, provided, Ntese la fuerza de las afirmaciones: tambin el conocimiento de la cultura escrita (toda letra implica siempre esta acepcin) y el deseo de saber estn. Benedictum nomen Mariae, Virginis et Matris. Click, For How to recite the Chaplet of the Holy Face, please click, Illumina Domine Blog Devotion to The Holy Face. labor que realiza, en particular por el papel que desempea para mantener. Pro lo ms grave para nosotros es que mientras las blasfemias e infidelidad crecen diariamente, la adoracin que te debemos a Ti decrece. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. Download Prayer Distribute these prayers to your community through handouts, in the bulletin, or other church communications materials, including newsletters, the website, and social Siendo, en efecto, una la Iglesia, uno e inseparable el amor. Amen. Que vives u reinas por los siglos de los siglos. It is a sequence of acclamations Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are the Lord and Supreme Ruler of all mankind, and we, in acknowledging this Your dominion, consecrate ourselves to You now and forever. Amen. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Danos la gracia de reparar el desprecio y el olvido hacia Ti, con el celo y fervor de nuestra adoracin. Para David, el escritor bblico, las alabanzas divinas eran una fuente de alivio. The. The prayer was Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete (por Len DuPont, Santo Hombre de Tours), Oracin por los pecadores de Santa Teresa del Nino Jess y de la Santa Faz. En cambio, mira el Rostro de Tu Hijo Amado, porque este es el Rostro de Aquel en Quien te agradas. Puede que el sacrificio de nuestras vidas pongan un fin a tan indignos y blasfemias; si fuera as con que ganas lo hiciremos, por que deseamos Oh Santsima Madre, amarte y honrarte con todo nuestro corazn, siendo este el deseo De Dios. Conceptio THE DIVINE PRAISES In Reparation for Blasphemy. Oracin para reproducir la imagen de Dios en nuestras almas. Adeste fideles (instrumental with lyrics - karaoke video) [4 verses]. Lider: Tristemente no es solo Nuestro Seor pero tambin la Madre de Nuestro Seor objeto de blasfemias. The Divine Praises Catholic Online Prayers Printable PDF Blessed be God. V. You have given them bread from heaven, R. Having all delight within it. Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus Benedetto sia San Giuseppe, suo castissimo sposo. O Lord Jesus Christ, in presenting ourselves before Your adorable Face, to ask of You the graces of which we stand most in need, we beseech You, above all, to give us that interior disposition of never refusing at any time to do what You require of us by Your Holy Commandments and Your Divine inspirations.O Good Jesus, Who has said: Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, give us, O Lord, that faith which obtains all, or supply in us what may be deficient. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Some of these prayers you may wish to learn "by heart" so that they become part of your daily living. you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Bendito sea Dios.Bendito sea su Santo Nombre.Bendito sea Jesucristo, verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre.Bendito sea el nombre de Jess.Bendito sea su Sagrado Corazn.Bendita sea su Sangre ms Preciosa.Bendito sea Jess en el Santsimo Sacramento del Altar.Bendito sea el Espritu Santo, el Parclito.Bendita sea la gran Madre de Dios, Mara Santsima.Bendita sea su santa e Inmaculada Concepcin.Bendita sea su gloriosa Asuncin.Bendito sea el nombre de Mara, Virgen y Madre.Bendito sea San Jos, su esposa ms casta.Bendito sea Dios en sus ngeles y en sus santos. Benedictus Te ofrecemos ahora este Santo Rostro, cubierto de vergenza y desfigurado por magulladuras de sangre en reparacin de los crmenes de nuestra poca para apaciguar Tu ira, justamente provocada contra nosotros. When I sing the divine praises I can feel the presence of God. Be an expert in no time! Las alabanzas divinas me hacen sentir ms cerca de Dios. /This blasphemy is the profanation of that which is most Holy /in the sight of Your inaccessible sanctuary; /it is an attack upon Your infinite majesty, /an outrage against the Face of Your Divine Son,/ a crime without excuse, /without any other motive than that wickedness which hates You,/ O God,/ infinitely worthy of all love!/ We beg pardon,/ for these blasphemies./ Would that we could prevent them by the sacrifice of all that we are,/ or that we possess!/ At least it is in the sincerity of our hearts /that we desire with all our power/ to combat this horrible crime,/ and for all we hear or know/ to offer instantly,/ by the merits of the Face of Jesus Christ,/ our humble and sorrowful expiation.But that which is most grievous to us /is that while blasphemy and infidelity daily increase, /the adoration due to You diminishes./ Alas! No te gustara cantar las alabanzas divinas? English Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Arlene Oost-Zinner. May the Adorable Name of the Lord be glorified forever! "Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse". Rosaries, Crosses, Prayer Cards and more Our Lady of Guadalupe - Virtual Prayer Candle, St. Jude Thaddaeus - Virtual Prayer Candle, Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Prayers, Practical Practice of Fasting with Fr Dwight Longenecker, 10 important things to consider during Lent, The Happy Priest on Lent, Happiness and the Call to Selfless Love, Daily Readings for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, St. Hilary, Pope: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. Me resigno a no gozar ac debajo de la dulzura de vuestra mirada, y a no gustar el inexplicable consuelo de vuestros besos; pero os suplico que imprimis en mi vuestra semejanza divina y me encendis en vuestro amor de tal modo que en breve me consuma y pueda as llegar cuanto antes a disfrutar en el cielo de la vista de vuestro adorado Rostro. 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