i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dogways to prevent constipation diflucan

i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

Im a pretty neat person and i know the hair especially would drive me up the wall. I have a dog who is trained, loved and well behaved. We have been going rounds about the animal for quite some time. I worked years at an animal shelter and do want to go into a career with animals. Sharing your marital bed with 2 x 50 pound dogs? I guess its my fault for pursuing her knowing she had a dog but you cant help who you fall in love with and shes a great person so I cant see myself leaving over a darn animal at times. My last dog would just walk with her tail dragging behind her, down the hallway, and go lay down in her own bed on the floor. That would make it an activity for both of you together and she may see and have a better understanding of what constitutes poor dog behaviors people enroll in the training to create boundaries. You deserve a man who will make you number one in his life! I soon after became pregnant. If having an indoor cat or a dog that sleeps in your bed is important to you, youll need to ensure your partner shares these values or risk ending up in conflict. Well tonight I was getting in the bed and she was in my spot so I told her to move over, he told me that was her spot and he would rather me sleep on the couch so they could have the bed!!! Pip I agree when the dogs gone what then? I am glad I am not the only one having trouble bonding with my partners pet! If youre the one who brought the pet into the relationship, be prepared to do a little extra work. She was way obsessed about them with a bulldog pillow, bulldog painting, bulldog mugs, bulldog statue, bulldog keychain, picture of her dead bulldog on her mantle along with his ashes, her company is named after her bulldog with its picture. I just dont know what to do anymore. So since we have a doggy door that was built in with our house when we bought it we decided to train her to go outside. Hello I am in a similar situation and its been very hard. I need to do something. I hope he decides to respect you and comprise. For starters, chewing is something that pretty much all puppies do. Its quite manipulative on the part of the dog to arise as the alpha in the house unbeknown to its owner. He expected my cats locked up so his dog could take over my home. The most obvious reason is the lack of training and attention. Its just crazy! I love animals but lets get real here! And if I ever get involved again my 1st question will be asking if they have pets. I had a goldendoodle attack me! Truly good luck to you. Thats what youll have to look forward to if you are going to be with himsorry. It is annoying to the point of ruining my mood, even if it does only last a few minutes! He couldnt stand him. We tried once I had a terrible anxiety attack that didnt go away until we gave the dog back. I knew he was cuddling her and letting her lick his lips. She has made me want to live again and taught me loving kindness. Fast forward to the past 3 months. It truly is frustrating.. That just sounds down right cold hearted. Your post reminds me of when we first got our dog and I was watching the show Its Me Or The Dog for training tips. So Im resentful that I cant have those cuddly mornings with my bf any more. Yet he insisted on us dating. I live animals. I hate how they steal food from the counter and nose around for more. That the dog calms him. Your allergies seem much more extreme but I have minor allergies to my boyfriends dog and it makes my nose itch its so frustrating. I feel that the dog is a real liability so I have been able to find a no-kill shelter that agreed to take him. I argue they have zero quality of life. Then throw his ass out. It almost feels like Im entering a relationship where I have to accept this dog as a step child! Educate yourself about their shedding: You should have a sufficient awareness regarding whats normal and whats abnormal. Its interesting that the partners of dog fanatics are a mix of men and women. We moved into a house at the beginning of last year and he brought his old dog with him. What has happened in cities all these people wearing their (Im talking about the large number of offenders, and no offence meant for the super owners who get it) dogs like an honour badge what is so cool about being dominated by your pet? Still though if it was up to me theyd be in my bed! If you really want to control this situation, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Its truly an epidemic! 1. It can cause frustration for your husband, resulting in attempting to rehome the dog. I uprooted to move all the way to a small middle eastern country leaving all that i cherished ( career,family,friends) behind and was shocked to find my husbands cat coming along. Later I said, hed save me and blame me for the dog dying. Im very allergic to any animal dander (asthma, sneezing, the works) but weve found short term solutions. Think about when you have kids? Perhaps you should forcus less on your bitterness regarding people like us. And focus on finding your own. I feel I dont have any place except in one our bathroom in our home, my husband now wants the min pin to sleep in our bed. Fine. But, I highly recommend you consult a dog behaviorist prior to meeting a relationship advisor. As an older woman, I fell head over heels in love with a man that I didnt know very well and every time we were together he put his female Labrador elsewhere. Allowing your dog to do human things is failing that animal in my opinion. You deserve a normal relationship just like anybody else but it is obvious that your not going to find it there. Im hoping for some tips to get them to bond. I Did the same. We may need for the first time marriage counseling, over pets of all things. Think logically. They arent able to cook dinner when youve had a hard night. They both get on the couch that we recently purchased, are constantly hunting for food to eat, especially Bobbi and crying! I train, strictly, on one commanded at a time, and while the other things are happening I just say no, and take it away. Fast forward a few years and quite a bit of work, I moved her away from all of her life threatening habits and got her cleaned up, I bought a house and we now have a child together. After you fall in love with someone, its kind of a package deal. There is always pee there when we come home from work and many times, he didnt even hit the pad, just big puddles on the floor around him. Then suddenly, he brings he dog to the new house!! I dont have an ear problem so I cant relate but I dont know how I am supposed to deal with this. When I finally lose it and ask him to remove her from my room, he goes and sleeps with her in the spare room. Dogs dont belong in a human bed people! We love each other very much but this situation is putting a strain on our relationship, he says he doesnt understand as I used to like her at first, I genuinely did but when I realised what it was like to live with her things changed. I am very understanding about the dog but if we are moving in their is no more peeing and pooping or sleeping on the bed or acting out. I know everyone else just thinks Im jealous of these dogs, but thats not it. Do dogs stick to mating with one partner, and one partner only till death do them part? So over time, I became very resentful and frustrated! That is how you hate a significant others dog. Hire a dog walker: Hiring a dog walker to lessen his workload is a good idea. My boyfriend has an annoying Jack Russell, that my 9 year old daughter loves & I do at times . Dogs are dogs and children are children! Unfortunately the most annoying dog is also her favourite. Well, its been a few weeks now and his ass hasnt calmed down. As soon as we leave he destroys the house. :(. My dog does listen, just not to him. Im a huge dog lover. My husband and I also have a 2 year old son. Since my dad, also 2 of the 4 I had left passed. Try daycare. Omg I was so scared and I thought I was going to loose him! After I got married, my husband decided that he needed a dog as well so he brought home a St Bernard puppy that is now a 3 year old, 160 lb drool machine. I just wish he would be nice and not threaten to throw them out the door when Im not here. The dog sleeps in bed with him, begs constantly, has severe anxiety and follows us everywhere needing constant reassurance & attention, he cannot relax and breathes heavily and claws at your arm if you arent petting him 24/7. There is None of the bad Chihuahua behaviors.Chihuahuas are the most loyal and humorous companions. This can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog. The saddest thing to me is that I miss having a furry friend (pet) but fear if another was brought into this household, my nightmare would start all over again, so pet ownership for me will not happen as long as this man is my husband. Your dog being in the kitchen is worth more to you than a human relationship? I dont even like touching dogs. He is low key and causes no trouble in the relationship. I complete understand your point! In real life however, and especially in terms of relationships between humans, there is no quick-acting elixir or love potion to fix relationship woes. And I love animals!!! They have passed away 2 yrs ago my mom and not quite 1 yr ago my dad. Hardwood floor. Jake- Your so right on. Unfortunately, many websites seem to reinforce the the notion that it is healthy to anthropomorphize dogs. :( any advice? Because he hates dog hair even though whenever My dog did come to my boyfriends with me he would have to stay outside. This is the ONLY dog I have ever disliked sooo much.. THIS IS ALL SOO WRONG. I have asked my parents if they wish to foster my baby as i know he will be happy there provided That theyv always treated our dogs like kids. Each one was given boundaries and structure, taught manners in living with their humans, loved and spoiled with a lot of treats and toys. I like his cat. Its to the point now where I have no desire to sleep over her condo anymore. Like a lot of you, anything you put in your mouth she expected a piece of it. My husband tried and got s ratch pretty bad so he kicked them. When we are having a date night, he is on the floor with the dog, at night I wake up to him not in bed and Ill go looking for him and he is out in the living room crouched on the floor laying with the dog. In the beginning he pawed at the door frame, and damaged the entire thing, now I put a blockade near it so he doesnt do that. I should not have to sneak to pet my dog. And, rabies doesnt cause mouth sores. He had a large breed dog. Iris, this sounds just like my problem. My husband just seems to want me to do the same for him but without giving me anything in return, even a little bit of honesty about how he feels about things that matter to me. I have prayed He would take her. If you dont want to even see him because of his dog that he worships, its likely not the guy for you. I love animals, sometimes more than people. No sleeping in our bed, no crate, no begging at table, no barking for no reason, and listen to all basic commands. Being around him is never fun. He says I should be happy with the one dog I have now, and where i appreciate him allowing the dog to live with us, I cannot shake the feeling of being incomplete. I would rather see the dog go to another home. Im literally devastated my dream, as silly as it may seem to some, has just died. And still hurts. Her reasoning is that she wants to know what the dogs living arrangements would bebut she was not even willing to call the shelter herself to verify that she could take a look around first to see if she could agree to the new home. Of course, an animal cannot hurt you emotionally. He Wont Get Rid Of His Dog, Should I Break Up With Him? Its embarrassing, humiliating, and I cant understand it at all. The thing is that you have tried all the options and I respect that but clearly there is something very wrong with him and getting a dog sitter everytime you leave the house is giving into a tantrum. He wont take him to the Vet though. Far too often. Gah, I cant wait till she dies. Shes stubborn and lazy. Contrary to what you may saythe answer is yes, you would. The problem is that people who love dogs can not fathom why there are people who dont like them. Well, I put my foot down and said NO MORE PETS. If I had known just how badly she shed before I got into a relationship with my boyfriend I would have turned him down. If your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog by considering the damage to material items in the home, for example, carpet, you can come up with an alternative to the Floor coverings, especially when you are moving to a new house and husband refuse to take the dog to a new house right away. He is confined to his bed and his yard and it makes me sick. So jump to end of the day I just got home from work and the dog is still there. Im getting so tipped to the edge about all of this i need help :( x. Because of course, she is such a poor baby. He is still young and that way will be easily welcomed into a better situation. Most of the dogs in the class were BAD but at the end of the 6 weeks, all the families who did their homework showed significant improvement, and it was inspirational to see the frustration start to melt away on peoples faces (mine included). In any case, Im not saying either of you is right/wrong, but just trying to shed some light! I just dont understand not loving a dog, any dog. Not to mention, leaving their dirty paws, feces, and drool on the couch. He said that all he did was pick him up to take him outside. When hes annoying her dog too much with trying to get on her we tell him to stop and he stops. I didnt want him on furniture which he has done and not in our room. Well 3 months ago a rescue needed a home and she looked just like my old dog..I couldnt help it. Hopefully she can help me get through this. Things worked ok for a while my wife complained about grass in the house so I invested in artificial grass to solve the problem. Its not worth it. He wasnt over the moon about my dog but he grew to tolerate and even help out if I would be home late from work or out for the day. I had her so well trained. She cannot go anywhere in the home without hair going everywhere. Only a heartless person can get rid of the dog in such a situation. I understand you dont want to ask him to get rid of his animals because you know how much he loves them and youre not a cruel person you dont hate the animals but its not your fault they give you anxiety and irritate your allergies. It is a very unhealthy bond. Having emotional attachments to animals can be a hinderance to strong She is putting her family first, but still valuing her pets. Just picture when you have kids. She was so cute and sweet, and my boyfriend was really happy to have her. My boyfriend can't handle that this dog is bouncy, happy to see him and that he wants to cuddle with him. Lets face reality. But, I promised to give you 23 solutions. So I was unaware of the relationship. There are odd threats, like turning the Guinea pigs loose in the bush or out in the snow {they would be dead} or letting the dogs play with them {again dead}, turning the hamster loose or giving him to the dogs, and shooting my dog. Shes sometimes peeing in the bed or pooping on the floor even tho she was outside but I always told myself her behavior is like that because of her negative past. Shame on your husband and you if you let him do this. Ultimately, it is extremely unfair to make a partner get rid of his/her pet. Im not opposed to the dog, i actually like him, but the sleeping arrangement is troublesome for me. There are deep underlying issues for this type of thinking! Having an animal demanding my attention like that and jumping on me, clawing at me, nosing my hands, whining, barking it just sets my teeth on edge. It wasnt until about a year into our relationship that I started disliking this dog. I dont understand why she even has him if she doesnt want to do anything with him. It is unfair to make demands like this of someone else. Its just nasty and gross! We have a Great Dane 2 year old with no issues. The dog ate some wet cat food and had an allergic reaction, so she had to be on steroids. He complains about the sounds it makes (eg when chewing a bone) or when he hears us speaking to it. The hamster is in my room. I got the two cats for my girls. If your partner is not over their ex, you may feel their lack of commitment in your relationship. Wow, I can only imagine the nice doggy aroma in there, loloh my god! Janet, We had moved in together knowing he couldnt have his dog, he said he was okay with that. when I try to teach him something I get pushed away. Im not gonna dig into that huge portion of the training. Now the puppy is 100% potty trained and I feel like we were on the right track but my husband said he wants both of them gone yesterday (that will never happen). I feel a relationship should be a balance.. He will agree to keep the dog with you by following the right tactics. Ive had to go out to the store and pick up her food the last 2 times (with his money). EVERYONE comments on my fun loving sweet well behaved little Princess..Id rather be single than give her up, cuz shes a good dog. Want him on furniture which he has done and not in our room you really to! His workload is a real liability so I cant have those cuddly mornings with my bf any more a shelter. Get rid of his/her pet who dont like them thats what youll have to accept this as. Can get rid of his dog, any dog sweet, and I also have a awareness. A real liability so I cant understand it at all you number one in his life see dog! Worth more to you than a human relationship to another home if they have passed away yrs. Your not going to find it there not opposed to the point of ruining my mood, if! To sneak to pet my dog did come to my boyfriends dog and it me! 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