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human design digestion buzzing nervous touch

The 12 nuanced differentiations when we break down each of the main digestion types. Where can I simplify my diet? Simple. Stick to what you already know you like and change only when it really tastes good. Some people are very calm themselves, and prefer to eat their meals calmly as well. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. So, my body (design) type is Reflector, which is typical for Projectors. Can also use Ayurveda. Internal invites people into their own space such as work-from-home, internet business, studio, gallery. Do it fast and dont spend too much time at the table. It is not easy, but its worth it. As he spoke, it suddenly all made sense, like the pieces of a jigsaw falling effortlessly into place as if you were finally pulling up the curtain to just look at life with fresh eyes and face with a smile whatever is coming your way. If you eat too many things at once your metabolism will get confused about what enzymes to send for the digestion. If you cant be in a Wet or Dry area, you can put wet or dry plants in your actual kitchen or creative space. The four transformations are the 4 steps and phases of your life, to decondition and step into your best health and intuition. #1: Security Smell Splenic (fear/survival oriented). I just bought and watched two videos on how to eat according to your type or the style of eating that seems to be crucial for a sense of well-being, especially for brain health. Super interesting. Listening to music television or anything else that has high sound is good for you. *My husband is Indirect and tends to be a nighttime eater. These are very private people. Eat habitually and with a routine. Empathy is your super power. I will try and be as detailed as I can, but if you are just beginning to learn about HD, you may be missing foundation information that is needed to understand and apply what I am about to share. All about the amount of noise when digesting (food or info). Just getting into Human Design and see that my digestion type is buzzing nervous touch. THANK YOU so much for sharing this. And if you feel ready to dive deep into all things human design, you can learn more about the variables and all things human design in our. You can see that in any software which gives advanced information about the human design chart. Eat regularly and do not starve. Simple. I paid $97 for my report 10 or so years ago. Such as now I get my information from Jovian Archive network as a 4/6 Projector, Determination as Direct, Cognition as Outer Vision. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. Human design digestion buzzing nervous touch 27 apr posted at 07:46h in to entertain author's purpose examples by samsung touch screen fridge waupaca woods shopping mall likes Eating well is not only about what you eat but the conditions in which you eat. The second 3 color numbers are newer, and more based on your environment and feeling of what you consume. Your blog is really neat and nice. A High person may snack all day. Taste - Open or Closed - Taste digestion is also about simplicity but more related to pickiness than . So detailed. That is the one I have too! Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determina. I just bought and watched two videos on how to eat according to your type or the style of eating that seems to be crucial for a sense of well-being, especially for brain health. Sorry about the confusion I may have caused you! The only thing puzzling me is when you say look for the first arrow on my chart with two 4s underneath. I have gotten from the Maia Mechanics software online version. Im personally a 1 line, alternating digestion. Choosing the same meals from the same restaurants is good for you. What matters is that my soul's purpose in this world is to light fires. Of Covid-19 affecting the central nervous system, to the method in which you digest. So I do best, my stomach, my digestion, my emotional well-being, when I just eat one-ingredient dishes. Consecutive peeps need to eat foods one at a time (no eating a bite of fish followed by a bite of potato). Those with Calm may prefer eating in a calm environment where there is little activity. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. In Human Design, we all have a "super power" that is called our "Strongest Sense". Thirst Hot or Cold Thirst digestion is about the temperature of the food (and/or the body/environment). Pure. Thanks again for helping me spot inconsistencies in my posts! #2: Taste two kinds: Closed and Open. The option I would suggest is Genetic Matrix but the arrows are not necessary to find your PHS. I have this too. Local foods could be good for you. Determination, or digestion, in Human Design: The conditions and circumstances under which your body most efficiently digests nutrients from food. Same goes for those with the Cold type. Every person has their own design based on the time they were born, and you can use your birth info to get your chart and help you uncover a deeper understanding of yourself for more fulfillment in your unique life. Eating bites of different foods, but not mixing them works best for these people. Its not uncommon to receive a text from me (after maybe not chatting for months) that is a one liner and straight to the point. Considering our strongest sense when it . Your Money And Your Vibration: What Is The Connection? If you have the feeling in your mouth that it is not tasty it wont be healthy for you to eat it. It is not easy, but its worth it. I have been testing for, I dont know, ten years? Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to know, Low sound only eat in low sound environment Noise prevents you from developing an appetite. This is the opposite of a calm environment. These people need to prepare for digestion. My other favorite place to be alone is sitting at a crowded bar. What does it mean: get out of your own way? For context, this is never the first piece I recommend that people dive into. Nervous Some are very nervous, to busy to sit down for meals, and prefer to eat while they're doing other things. #3: Action Outer Vision Ajna (third-eye, intuition). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dark Eating when the sun is down works best for these people. The first 3 tones are focused on the condition of the food rather than the environment. Mountains Active or Passive. Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. You know what you like, and youve got some serious particularities. Closed Taste eat a monotonous diet, for most people its the staple diet of their ancestry, very different by seasons. While all the eating styles are intuitive and experimental, I think the 3rd and 6th color lines are very similar in the way they layer. But, in particular, what interested me the most was the four transformations the four little arrows on either side by the head pointing right or left. Gluten, alcohol, dairy for starters. When I eat, lets say, cabbage, I just eat cabbage. These people need to eat the same foods over and over again. Do you know if there is a different way to view this or did they change the chart name? Ive also found that I am enjoying shopping at the Farmers Market more or just places in general where I can focus on simple and minimal ingredients. And let's not forget: the source of your badassery! Those with Nervous may prefer eating when there is some stimulation around them. as your digestion, you may find you are sensitive to the acoustics when you eat, whether its high or low. eating according to your, What is your optimal Eating Style? They often eat while cooking, eat while standing, clean up and chores directly after eating/consuming/digesting. Energy is everything that we put in our bodies, such as information, people, or anything that feeds our vehicle. It needs simple whole foods, and information from the source. Active means be/live in an actual higher elevation (high-rise, second story house). There is a tendency to not need as much protein (carb lovers). Pay attention to the energy levels around you while eating, Reflect on what makes you feel calm while eating and invest your energy in those spaces or practices (for Calm), Practice moving before or after a meal (for Nervous), See how it feels to eat on the go (for Nervous). Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. While profiles that contain a 4 have their area of influence in their closer environment, the 5/1 profile has a potential influence on family, friends, acquaintances, and total strangers. Selective seek to control their environment more than Blending. Turns out, my alternating appetite is WHY Im perfect for being such a foodie and chef. Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light Clear. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Anyhow, post babies is when nutrition started to become frustrating for me. Nervous touch doesnt have to be out and about or running. Ive added it to my explore when you have time list! I would move the meat off the sandwich, I would remove the fruits from the cake, I would eat the sour cream meant to be used in a vegetable dish I got punished. Those with Indirect may find they digest best when the sun is down. Founder and Editor for Gentleness Ambassadors. They also seem to do better in cooler color tones, or more muted decor. OK fat, onions, and garlic go with anything, and it is still considered one food. The test showed that she can eat any protein other than fish and milk products, as long she doesnt eat it twice within a week. 1.7K Followers. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. The process is the same as with the Starting Point Measurements: I need a picture and I need your date of birth. She immediately found examples in her family for people who got better once they stopped eating fish. The next 3 tones are focused on the outside circumstances more than the food itself. All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. Eating while the sun is up - that's the way for this type. It can be in an actual valley or in a space where information is flowing. Too cold for those who are Hot and you will struggle to take in new information. I used to love doing homework in places with lots of noises as well. Add cold spices to your meal like mint. And I got beaten to submission: by age nine I was homogenized onto eating like everyone else, and got fat and sick. Its about what feels good to you naturally. to feel satiated if you violate this one, youll be always hungry. Seasonal foods are okay, but the keyword here is habitual. It also controls other body systems and processes, such as digestion, breathing and sexual development (puberty). So happy to have helped you. I just did the whole testing work for a woman from my Over 60 exercise class. The way your body is meant to absorb nutritions is also the way you consume energy most naturally and easily. When you put the food in your mouth your receptors should be able to identify what is the exact ingredient your body will be digesting. When you have an 80 year old woman, you dont know what to expect. The HD Wheel has three separate wheels and in the center is the Body graph. You may find you love eating with the seasons. If you eat during the day choose places that have dim lighting and are not in the open. In my past time, when I working in field, I was comfortable, when I worked in headquarters, I was not so comfortable, most of time I was unhappy. Nervous people need action to digest with other people, with TV or radio, while talking/socializing, in public, or moving around (driving, walking, fidgeting). You also may enjoy playing with more textures (crunch and creamy in the same bite, or pulp in your juice). NERVOUS (touch) You need to be able to move around when you eat in order to digest your meal. This is especially the case when food is nearby. Low needs to eat less (or cram for that test!). If you go back to my chart and those two 4s, you can see that my tone/color #s correspond to those numbers. Feeling is linked to sound. Even before I dove into Human Design, my soul was whispering to me to get off of Facebook. Although Human Design uses the same wheel as Astrology, it divides and interprets the wheel differently. All free to use and 100 royalty free perfect for. If the arrow is facing right, you may find you dont require as much consistency around when you eat. Its less about what you eat and more about when you eat. Your eating style is determined by the determination of your bodygraph. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To the degree I eat that way, to the same degree I am slim, energetic, painless, and coherent. Kitchen Wet or Dry. The PHS Determination in Human Design is about how we take in nutrition from our food and people in the most optimal way. I love books far more than any other learning tool. I always take the most crowded routes, while my husband prefers to go around or take side streets. to feel satiated if you violate this one, youll be always hungry. Prioritize eating a good breakfast (for Direct), Eat near a window or outside when you can (for Direct), Do your best to not go to bed hungry (for Indirect), Do not make yourself wrong for wanting to eat later the day (for Indirect). Indirect light determination tends to prefer eating or studying/learning early morning or late evening, after the sun has waned. one ingredient dishes separated by time, Consecutive Appetite my clients diet above, Direct light should eat only during the day. Eating correctly is one of the, if not the, most important things you can do for your body. 5. It can be described as our "love language" with the universe. We all want to be healthy and strong but there is no single solution that fits everyone. Im pure generator but Im born in July 1976 so all my design elements are the same as yours except markets external here which is crazy because Ive been home for 25 years with my kids and I almost feel like Im agoraphobic so Im hoping honestly that human design can help with some of my very hermit type of behaviors.. The Body chart is showing what profile type your body is. Having a late big dinner would be good for you because you will digest the food while sleeping. When the sun sets your digestion gets slower. I enjoy being smack dab in the middle of chaos. Projectors may be prone to over-eating because of their tendency to be conditioned via all their open centers. Unfortunately, the Genetic Matrix design chart no longer includes the arrows which was just pointed out to me by a reader (thank you!). Do you think that is the same as Foundation Body? Cold eat food cooler than body temperature. What I see within is what I go with regardless of what the outer world view is. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Well cover your determination, explore what that means to you, and Ill include recipes or rituals for your type. Digestion Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light. I have seen prices starting at $55 They use the Human Design science that I myself am not trained in, even though I have studied it, but I dont have complete confidence in. When I eat, lets say, cabbage, I just eat cabbage. Buzzing Nervous Digestion. Wet means tropical or green. PHS might not be correct for you now. When I first moved to New York, my husband was working late so after work I would go to my thinking spot, the red staircase in Time Square, sit at the top, and read or journal. as your digestion, you may find you are super sensitive to the temperature of your food. It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most. The test showed that she can eat any protein other than fish and milk products, as long she doesnt eat it twice within a week. From here, the focus is on the information listed under Body (Design). All about feeling safe and secure in their space. She is 80, lives alone, and her only complaint is wicked seasonal allergies. Whats most important is that you eat when youre hungry and drink when youre thirsty, even if its 8am one day and 12pm the next. 1.Caves Selective or Blending. I am #4 color and #4 tone. Determinism = Color = Digestion (of both food and information), tends to be where we hold deep conditioning. Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions to become a system in its own right that provides a technical-looking design of the person you were born to be. I have known my own style of eating for a while, and it has made a big difference. Think caveman diet. He practically does this anyway. Bigbys crushing hand 5e. Low sound Some like to eat in silence High sound These people digest their meal best when listenic to music. To innovate and paint a picture for you that maybe you never imagined, but that feels true inside. Easy changes to the way you eat can make a big difference! 12 different eating, What is your optimal Eating Style? In Human Design, digestion is the conditions and circumstances under which your body most efficiently digests nutrients from food. You also might not love recommendations from others because youre very selective and closed to others (because your intuition knows what you need) opinions. Closed taste is more particular and personal, the refinement and seasoning are key closed taste is more passive. They take in information via their third-eye (intuition). Eating is meant to feel peaceful for them; they want their nervous system to be relaxed. Im certified reader and I still couldnt figure this out, and everything I searched for was paid and wouldnt tell you whats right in the chart that I already pay for with GM and that I paid to be certified in (level 2) again, THANK YOU, Youre welcome! What are the purest food forms that I should be enjoying? Digestion styles that goes beyond the physical realm and even our physical senses and brain Damage: effects. With meals, its best to stick with what you love and eat food that brings you pleasure. Titles don't mean as much to me these days. I would move the meat off the sandwich, I would remove the fruits from the cake, I would eat the sour cream meant to be used in a vegetable dish I got punished. (LogOut/ as your digestion, you may find you are super sensitive to the energy levels around you when you are nourishing yourself, whether its calm energy or exciting energy. *My husband is Kitchens-Dry. The full date. The message of Human Design is: love yourself. (LogOut/ If you feel inspired, I encourage you to look yours up and begin experimenting if it feels aligned for you. #3: Thirst two kinds Hot and Cold. But the digestion type also extends into how we experience life. Jen | Human Design Consultant. Listening to music, television or anything else that has high sound is good for you. I told him he needs to practice intermittent fasting during the day. I know longer feel any need to try and keep up by consuming or producing more. Calm people need calm to digest. They are good at recognizing and are protective types, they do not like the new/unexpected, they tend to store memories well, they investigate to be aware of threats. Mine is buzzing, or nervous, digestion. This doesnt mean you need to live in an actual cave, but your space may feel or look similar. ), you can look up your digestion profile here: Eating one thing at a time, for example first the broccoli then the rise. Appetite - Alternating or Consecutive - Appetite digestion is all about simple, pure, and wholesome ingredients. We all know that. Those with Calm may prefer eating in a calm environment where there is little activity. I paid $97 for my report 10 or so years ago. Wouldnt you? Take it slow. He is all about production in his life and we live in a semi-arid location now but he use to live in New Mexico (desert). All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. Fat? Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. Nervous - Touch - eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. Strategic outer vision, they rely on their physical eyes, where the Not-Self mind comes from, they are fully aware of the world and are taking steps to control it. Change). Welcome to #thestars My mission with this channel is to offer catalytic and authentic creations with the Desire to Spark your own Gloriously Authentic F. If you cant be near either, then being between two kinds of environments will suffice (between city and country for example). Report: human design digestion buzzing nervous touch of whitening ( blanching ) of one or more fingers exposed. Your BodyGraph (Chart) reveals simple techniques for correct decision-making and is also a concrete map that offers a logical way of seeing your unique and individual naturean extremely accurate tool for self-knowledge. Noisy environments would be somehow better for you. After you finish the first ingredient you go to the next. Play with it. It most certainly gets deeper than this, so if youd like to schedule a human design determination coaching call, message me to get one set up! These people need to smell out what is correct or incorrect for them. While I continue to play and tweak my nutrition, I have fully embraced this concept in the other areas of my life. Humanity has a general openness to the penetration by the frequency field of the 5/1 profile. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. This was probably the most rewarding health session I have ever had. The meals you already know you like will create a familiar sensation in your mouth and belly and you will be already sending the correct enzymes to digest the food. However, as he started reading my chart, I couldnt help the tears in my eyes. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I just like being in the middle of it all. This is a place of production. In Human Design digestion is the conditions and circumstances under which your body most efficiently digests nutrients from food. (ex. This is why human design is so unique. Of course, I had initial feelings of fear. Eating alone is good for them. Please check the post here in a bit to find it added. #2: Uncertainty Taste Splenic. Claude and his mules rattled into Frankfort just as the calliope went screaming down Main street at the head of the circus parade. | Design by TONIC. During the dark hours of the day, your metabolism works better. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I was fascinated that eating different foods made me feel different. one ingredient dishes separated by time Check out the courses and groups for your best option. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. I am finding out that even just adding onions to the cabbage or to the meat makes me not that well I can now feel it. Some people are designed to eat in the calm and quiet, others are meant to eat the same . The simpler the meal or drink, the better or more energized youll feel. 6th color lines are about the environment and the quality of the light in it. Pop Quiz: What Are The 3 Words I want to hear you say To Do A Course With Me? Rewarding health session I have gotten from the Maia Mechanics software online version two kinds Hot Cold! Fat, onions, and it is easier to have an appetite for it my eyes the body chart showing. 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