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solar oven science project hypothesis

Get adult help if necessary. This can be a pot such as a cast iron Dutch oven, a black enameled roasting pan such as a chicken or turkey roaster or any pot that you might blacken on the outside with a non-toxic, weatherproof paint.Dark surfaces become very hot; they heat up more quickly than shiny surfaces. Let the ink dry and it will be invisible. Then compile your observations and findings to make an argument. Solar ovens work by trapping heat energy from the Sun. The purpose of this project is to use energy from the sun to . Note: This is a theoretical science fair project. On each plate, stack the following in order, from bottom to top - graham cracker square, marshmallow, piece of chocolate bar. 2. Step 1: Materials Materials Pringles can or other cylindrical container. picture(s) of construction (drawn or printed . And finally, this Science Project for Kids: Create a water filter is another awesome science project. Solar Oven Lab Report.docx - Katrina George Solar Oven Question: Can enough Thermal Energy be transferred to inside the solar oven? Kids - ask a responsible adult for help. 4th: then put 4 panels of aluminum on each side angled ideally to catch sun light. The reason all the ovens cooked differently were because of the light and locations. The stove's solar vacuum tube cooking chamber provides a near-perfect layer of insulation, keeping heat in and cold out. 2 clear glass pie plates or bowls 1 sheet of black construction paper 1 sheet of white construction paper 2 ice cubes A sunny spot outside What You Do: 1. (SEPO Project) . To make S'mores, you will need: Graham crackers Large marshmallows There are two types of solar cookers, that is: 1. 2nd: make the solar oven using a cardboard box, aluminum foil. Your solar oven must meet the following specifications: 1. 1.after students have generated a plan for their solar ovens, allow students to begin constructing their designs and prototype. Possible Hypothesis: The best insulator for a slow cooker is paper/cloth/hay. Well, basically, i feel like a real Scientist when carrying out the experiment. 2. Solar cooking does not require any electricity but uses solar thermal energy to cook the food. Once it has gone through the plastic wrap, it heats up the air that is trapped inside. (We used two pieces.) The purpose of my experiment is to see what time is the best to bake a marshmallow. Our rationale for this project was the following: The solar cooker is a better and organic way to cook food which benefices at the same time the environment. I then used the hair dryer on the hot setting to cause the ink to become visible. Ms. Mayville. 3rd: line inside with newspaper then put the aluminum, lining inside of the cardboard box. Newspaper insulates the box, preventing heat escaping. Solar Energy Powered Oven Project. They use a free, renewable energy source and do not pollute the environment. 4) Cut a square hole in the covers for the large boxes. Garrett's Science Fair Project on Solar Ovens Garret is Home Schooled. Choose two designs to construct. Procedure: 1st: Get an adult's supervision. This homemade solar hot dog cooker is sure to cook up some interesting summer science and some delicious hot dogs . HYPOTHESIS I thought I could make an oven that could get up to 200 degrees. (weather permitting!) Be sure to read through all of the instructions before choosing a design to make sure that you will be able to construct the oven. Hypothesis: If we design a solar cooker with darker background colors, then the . Measure the cloud cover in the sky. . Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult to help you research the topic and find out how to do a science fair project about it. Grade Levels: 7-9 . You will cut a flap out of the pizza box . Hypothesis We think black construction paper will better reflect heat and light into a solar oven because the the color black absorbs and retains heat, keeping it inside the oven. The sun's energy heats up the air inside the box and cooks the food. Another benefit of a solar oven is that it can be used to heat water so that it is drinkable. . This is the classic science experiment that helps you teach the reactions between acids and bases. . 5. Solar ovens use solar energylight and heat from the sunto cook food. This is a fairly simple experiment as well, so you'll only need a measuring cup, a teaspoon, two baby food jars, water, activated charcoal and red food coloring. Experiment to see how far or fast you can make the car go. Therefore, most science fair entries are usually modified versions of existing experiments. Focus on clarity and concision. The experiment that my group had chosen is on the topic of Heat and the is on Solar Oven S-Mores. The End! You can use an iron or I have heard of people putting it in the oven as well. Today is a pretty cloudy low 80s day and the oven still was over 115 degrees. The data does support my hypothesis because it was very warm at 2:15 beginning at 42.1 degrees Celsius. Blow up a balloonwithout blowing. LESSON THEME . Related KEEP Activities Use this activity as part of a unit on solar energy or heat. School Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Course Title ENGINEERIN N/A Uploaded By itsmaggielin Pages 1 Ratings 100% (1) Another interesting line of research involves a device called the thermoelectric generator (TEG). Independent Variable: Effect of gender Dependent Variable: length of adult feet More Example Questions Germination 1. The main objectives of this experiment were to investigate how different solar oven insulations and cooking vessel contact affects solar oven . Straight edge, we used a cut piece of aluminum laying around but a ruler would be good. Oven #2 was Solar Oven Challenge A solar oven needs to let radiant energy in, convert that radiant energy to thermal energy, and keep the thermal energy inside to cook the food. To obtain better reflectivity, bend the cardboard flap into a curve to angle the light back into the box. Well, this is a science project to explore how strong the sun's rays really are. The sun's heat does not cook your food In the solar oven. 3. Prop the flap open to reflect the light into the box. Scissors Clock or stopwatch Data table: Steps 1. Oven Dimensions: 12.5 cm outside diameter, 10.2 cm inside diameter , 58 cm length. (Test lemon juice or vinegar, for example.) Poor. By using the scientific method, your students will answer the question, "How can I create a solar oven?", conduct research into solar energy, record their learnings, and then develop a hypothesis. This means that you can use a solar oven anywhere that has lots of sun. Unit Open Size: 106 cm long *52 cm tall * 50 cm wide. These range from solar ovens and solar stovetops to solar photovoltaic (PV) cells that produce electricity. Pour half of the mixture into each of the jars. Silicon is a major component of solar panels, and it is the 8th most abundant element in the uni- verse, found in dusts, sands, and planets in the form of silicates or silicon dioxides. PRODUCT SPECS. The black paper on the bottom of your oven absorbed the sun's energy (white paper would have reflected a lot of that energy). Instead the sun's rays change into heat energy to warm up food. Groups constructed a plan through research to make a solar oven. 6) For Box 2, completely remove the cardboard flap. The best hours to set up your solar oven are when the sun is high overheadfrom 11 am to 3 pm. In order for a solar oven to work, what must the materials chosen to create it do? Learn more: Uplifting Mayhem/Grow Box. passive solar heating, lighting and cooking, and active solar engineering technologies. In this experiment you were able to direct heat energy from the Sun through the clear plastic film using the reflective Aluminium foil flap. Add salt to two cups of water and stir until it dissolves, then pour it into a large bowl. Build two solar ovens with different designs, using the instructions on the websites. Each sheet must be approximately 8-16 cm larger than the opening of the inner box, when measuring both dimensions. Rays of sunlight come to the earth at an angle. A TEG converts heat directly into electricity without moving parts. You should have a flap that can be lifted up out of. Large sheets of cardboard (2) for making the lid for each of the two solar ovens. You will probably have to tape the prop in place. Put the oven to work Set the oven in the direct Sun on a sunny day when the outdoor temperature is at least 85 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Students can also see solar ovens in use at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair. Now cover the bowl with plastic wrap, taping the edges, if necessary, to get a tight seal. Hypothesis: If a. . Learn more: Prolab. Other Links to Solar Energy Science Project Ideas: Energy Quest Projects: A PDF document that includes solar energy projects for a solar air heater, a solar water heater, a solar hot dog cooker and effects of amount and wavelength of light on a solar cell. 3. The only special supply you need is a plug-in light socket. 2.Take solar oven The foil reflects the ray, and bounces it into the opening of the box. Conclusion. Dry Weight: 5.1kg Oven Volume: 4.5L. 2. From the California Energy Commission: Main Science Project Page. Sample project: Research the effects of Earth's spin, make a rheoscopic jar to discover what happens to Earth's core if the mantle stops spinning, do projects with centripetal motion. Conclusions. Follow a similar framework in outlining your hypothesis, experiments, results, and conclusions. Solar Oven from Kitchen Science Lab for Kids (Quarry Books) Open the box and place a piece of black construction paper so that it fits the bottom of the box. 2.once time is up, allow students to form a line and have a museum walk of their displayed projects. Step Two . When I completed this activity in second grade, we used it to demonstrate . Solar ovens use solar energylight and heat from the sunto cook food. What is a good hypothesis subject for 6th grade science fair project? Metal coat hanger. When Returning a Product You may return the product(s) within 7 business days of receiving your order for a refund of the product. 30. Your Task: You and your lab partner will design and conduct an experiment to investigate one factor that contributes to the effectiveness of a solar cooker in heating water. Groups recorded all steps required to build their solar oven. Place a short glass in the middle of the bowl. The Value of Science Projects Science projects are an especially effective way of teaching students about the world around them. With it's 360 reflecting . As with any good science project, make sure you have solidified a hypothesis before you begin. Step One: Sketch Brainstorm possible solar oven designs. Question: Which natural material works best to insulate a homemade slow cooker: paper, cloth, or hay? Some data that stood out was that the temperature of outside was 19.4 degrees . Such . Sharpie marker or other marking pen. Line the bottom of the box with aluminum foil to reflect heat and then cover that with black construction paper--black absorbs heat. Parabolic Type - Converge Heat to a Single Point Place the two pans side by side . 4.allow students This thermal energy project is cross-curricular with activities that incorporate science, reading, writing, math and creativity!Click the green PREVIEW button to see what is included in this fun activity!In this activity students will work through the engineering . Observation. whatever's inside. 5) For Box 1, leave the cardboard flap attached at the top. Skewer Hot Glue Drill / Drill Bit 29. 3. This is to make a prop for the lids. Build your own lemon battery and see if you can get it to work to learn about electricity. First, you would need a darkened or blackened pot with a lid. Eventually the comparison could not be done perfectly as there were only couple of sunny days in the week running up to the Science Fair but on the first warm, sunny day they were indeed successful in cooking s'mores in the larger oven. The hypothesis was supported because the solar oven that was put in the sun cooked faster than the other ovens that were put in other places. Place the sheets of black and white paper on a driveway or sidewalk in the sun. Hot Dog Cooker / Solar Oven: This Hot Dog Cooker / Solar Oven is simple and easy to make. Step 4: Test Your Hypothesis Our steps to testing the solar oven were: 1.Assemble s'mores inside oven. Materials: 3 cardboard boxes of equal size (large enough to hold pan and Experimental Groups. I had to get it to 200 degrees Fahrenheit because that the degrees I had to cook in so I could eat it. The black paper absorbs heat to make sure that as little as possible escapes. The tin foil reflects the sun's rays into the pizza box and the saran wrap keeps the heat inside. 5th: Get one potato and wrap it in tin foil. It should be about 1-1 " thick. The oven is designed to absorb more heat than it releases. The Scientific Method: Solar Oven! Then they must collect and trap the heat in the oven. OBJECTIVES . Build A Solar Oven . Fill the measuring cup with cup of water and add 8 drops of food coloring. End of Year Graded Project. If you want to try the epitome of science fair projects, try making a science fair volcano. 2. Learn which soil is best for growing tomatoes if your science fair takes place during warm weather. Step 6: Report Your Results If we ever do this again, we think we should change the design to get a better result. Now your oven is ready to try out! Procedure: (up to . The oven is designed to absorb more heat than it releases. Sitemap. 32. School Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville; Course Title SCIENCE 101; Uploaded By BaronTurtle8976. How . If you choose to put it in the oven, do not leave it unattended as it could ignite! Label the materials you will use and explain why. The data shows that the marshmallow gets warmer as time goes on. Students often work on science fair projects in addition to their school work. Oven #1 was in the back yard where the sun was facing the box directly and it received more heat. Put the solar oven outside where it will get full, direct sunlight for at least 30 minutes, and keep the oven turned so that the flap faces the sun. An engineering Design Challenge to design and build a solar box cooker, and test it out to see if it works well enough to make S 'mores. Analysis. Hypothesis; Research; Procedure; Materials; Controls and Variables; Data collected; Conclusion; I think the solar hot dog cooker with glasses on both sides will cook the hot dog the best because it would cook both sides and they would be powerful because they wouldn't be sharing the sun with other mirror/glasses. Hypothesis. Controlled Variables. This is for cutting and bending coat hanger. 3.if time, give students time to share positive comments and feedback about each other's solar ovens. Hypothesis I think that the solar oven with the black paper . ENGINEERIN N/A Conclusion-Science Fair Project-Solar Oven - My hypothesis was correct, the pizza box with the black construction paper absorbed more heat than the Conclusion-Science Fair Project-Solar Oven - My hypothesis. Solar Cookers Solar cookers are used to cook food and pasteurise water for safe drinking. Sharp knife, make sure you can handle a sharp object or ask for help. Materials. 31. What is a good name for a solar powered oven project? Use this page to brainstorm solar oven design possibilities. We have had it reach temperatures over 170 degrees Fahrenheit on a cloudless 80 degree day. Water in many areas of the world has bacteria that are deadly and heating the water kills the germs, viruses, and bacteria that could kill them. The foil reflects the ray, and bounces it into the opening of the box. The goal of a science fair is for students to answer a question based on a hypothesis. Fit the balloon over the top, shake the baking soda down into the vinegar, and watch the balloon inflate. Our hypothesis was "We think black construction paper will better reflect heat and light into a solar oven because the color black absorbs and retains heat, keeping it inside the oven." From our. Making s'mores in a solar oven is an easy and fun experiment you can do in one day! The package must be unopened and the product unused. This is the insulation. Create your hypothesis as to which oven will heat better and why. Sounds like a good hypothesis for a science fair project! 7) Stretch a layer of aluminum foil on the underside of the flap from Box 1. 2. The purpose of this Science Research Module is to allow students to experience how Scientists work using the Scientific Method. Groups did not recorded measurements (time and temperature) every 5 minutes. Explain the specific purpose of each material. 31. Rays of sunlight come to the earth at an angle. Testable hypothesis & in proper format - If . Most science fairs still require a poster presentation of your project. Once it has gone through the plastic wrap, it heats up the air that is trapped inside. Passive Solar Design- An article about ways to use solar energy. See K-5 Energy Sparks for Theme II: "Sunvestigations" or K-5 Energy Sparks for Theme I: "Exploring Heat." A solar cooker can also be used to enrich investigations Type 1 - Box Type - Heat Up In this type of cooker, heat gets reflected by a reflector into a box, and then the heat gets trapped by the top glass like a greenhouse effect and heats the cooking utensils. Student Name: _____ Science Teacher Name: _____ Strand 1 - Solar Cooker Experiment. PROBLEM I wanted to see if I could make a solar oven and cook food in it. Make a visual aid. For the experiment, each student or group of kids needs three eggs, two black cast-iron skillets and one thick piece of glass large enough to cover one of the pans. Place the prepared s'more on a small square of aluminum foil (slightly larger than the s'more this will serve as a tray) and put it in your solar oven, on top of the black sheet of paper. Tape it by the edges. It must have a "footprint" of no more than 40 cm x 40 cm. In 10 minutes, the temperature inside the box must increase by 15oC. Science Fair Questions Should Be Testable. 5th Grade Science. Your food may not touch the bottom of the oven directly. 1. Fill a bottle with vinegar and a balloon with baking soda. (The papers should not be touching each other. This could include the planets, what makes up a planet, the stars and clouds in the sky, and everything about the sun. That's how a solar oven works. Slow Cooker Science Fair Project research project Grade Levels: 7-9 Question: Which natural material works best to insulate a homemade slow cooker: paper, cloth, or hay? The Cooking Vessel Contact Experiment: The experiment did not support my hypothesis that the better contact between the vessel and the heat absorber plate the higher the temperatures in the vessel. Make a sketch of your solar oven, using arrows to represent how heat energy will enter your oven. Construct a DIY Grow Box. Groups did not presented written descriptive observations. The black Experimental Groups. You put the newspaper inside your oven to insulate it and prevent heat loss through radiation. Once the heat was inside the pizza box, the black plastic garbage bag absorbed the heat energy and the air temperature within the pizza box rose. When you build your own grow box, there are lots of seventh grade science fair projects you can do with it. MATERIALS ` A box Leave about an inch of plastic overlap around the sides and tape each side down securely, sealing out air. Rationale. Rationale. Solar panels, made up of photovoltaic cells, generate power through the flow of electrons. Your hand should fit in the space between them.) Works Cited. Learn about passive solar design Adventures in renewable energy technology: Solar Oven Project- This site has great resources for building solar oven Solar System Solar system projects are great for teaching and demonstrating scale. Preheat the oven for at least 30 minutes. Test the effect of a mild acid on sea shells. Solar Cooker Science Fair Project Research project for kids. Roll up some newspaper and fit it around the inside edges of the box. Materials: 3 cardboard boxes of equal size (large enough to hold pan and insulating . You may use any available materials to line the bottom and inside of box. Clean water is essential for most living . 4. Groups drew picture (s) of setup used. Instructions to Assemble and Bake the S'mores Obtain 2 small plates. A pizza box solar oven would be a lovely extension of this .

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