which statements are true regarding money market funds?cook county corrupt judges

which statements are true regarding money market funds?

Bambino Sporting Goods makes baseball gloves that are very popular in the spring and early summer season. Tax deductibility of contributions made to the contract if distributions are not taken until age 59 1/2 or later It pays a fixed stream of income without a contractual obligation to make the payments. income fund $5,500 for the wife; $0 for the husband will decrease I Asset depreciationII Asset appreciationIII Capital gains distributionIV Dividend distribution, A. I only B. I and IIC. In this example, Choice C meets the customers requirements. I and IV Which statement is TRUE regarding contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts for these persons? Sketch your mental map of Russia. C The customer will pay $10.075 per share (rounded). annual management fee against net assets of 2% plus a performance fee based on 20% of profitsC. For example, a 200% leveraged inverse ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, but in the opposite direction. She desires to supplement her retirement income, assuming minimal risk. IV Typical maturities of securities held in the portfolio are 30 days or less They are exempt from securities regulation since the general public cannot invest, except for the anti-fraud rules. Correct B. I and IV 5%, CLOSED END BOND FUNDS They invest primarily in real estate and mortgages (under the tax code, at least 75% of the REITs assets must be invested in real estate or mortgages). II The penalties imposed for early withdrawal from the plan However, the majority of hedge funds still charge a performance fee based on profits, not a performance fee based on exceeding a benchmark index. The relevant question is: Does the funds investment objective match that of the customer? While sales charges, expense ratios, and net asset value history are all important mutual fund investment considerations, they are not as important as investment objective. The investor will receive: A contingent deferred sales charge is imposed if an investor redeems a mutual fund before holding the fund for a stated time period. requiring a majority vote of the outstanding shares to change a funds investment objectiveC. trades in the marketD. strike or striking price D. II and IV. closed-end fund is managed; while an open-end fund is not managedC. C $0 - $10,000 8 % B However, it will only redeem shares at stated intervals - usually quarterly - and it will not redeem the investors entire holding at these redemption dates. I and IVD. D. $1,025 plus a commission, D. $1,025 plus a commission Manager B A closed end fund is traded in the market like any other stock. II an exchange traded fund (Dollar cost averaging requires that an investor make periodic payments (say monthly) of a fixed dollar amount (say $100 per month) to buy a given security. D. is not obligated to buy the stock at the market, A. is obligated to buy the stock at the current market open-end fund has a different capital structure than a closed-end fundD. D (Specialists/DMMs are obligated, under NYSE rules to make a continuous market in the assigned stock. She should be told that these are lightly regulated, high risk investments that are only suitable for wealthy, sophisticated investors. Which of the following is true regarding ETFs? II the price of the stock fluctuates neither futures contracts nor call options, Ch. Family of Funds. A. Which statement is TRUE regarding dollar cost averaging? no load fundC. A. The market price of the fund could be: A. II onlyB. For example, if the fund held overseas stocks, that might slow up the computation of NAV for the fund company - however the sophisticated hedge fund investor might build its own software to compute NAV faster than the fund company - and would place buy orders for shares that it found to be undervalued and sell orders for fund shares that it found to be overvalued. III and IV only Which statements are TRUE regarding mutual fund expense ratios? I The initial offering of shares is made under a prospectusII Shares are redeemable with the issuer at Net Asset ValueIII Shares trade in the secondary market at prevailing market pricesIV The portfolio of investments is not managed, A. I and II onlyB. exercise price I Property rentalsII Interest from mortgagesIII Capital gains on property salesIV Real estate tax refunds, A. I and II onlyB. the life of the annuitant and then cease An ADR is an American Depositary Receipt. Monday, June 19thD. It is listed and trades like a stock, so it has little marketability risk. D. II and IV, C. II and III C C. II and III All of the following statements are true about Health Savings Accounts EXCEPT: A. HSAs are only appropriate for those individuals covered by high-deductible health insurance plans, Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase? Bad debt expense is estimated at1/21/21/2 of 1% of sales. D I Hedge funds are subject to little regulatory oversight II Hedge funds must register as management companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940 . True false question. Which are not? typical maturities of securities held in the portfolio are 30 days or less IV If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected Money Market Yield: The interest rate earned by investing in securities with high liquidity and maturities of less than one year such as negotiable certificates of deposit , U.S. Treasury bills . C The reality is that, for most funds which have adopted 12b-1 plans, expenses have risen faster (due to the selling expense costs charged to shareholders) than asset size, and expense ratios have increased. The shares are not redeemable; they are negotiable. B. I and IV This type of ETF has shorted 20+ year Treasuries in the hopes that prices will drop and the positions can be covered (bought back) for a profit. It is an investment company that owns an underlying portfolio of securities. A mutual fund has a net asset value per share of $9.45. B Corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporations from taxable income. The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $10 C. Net Asset Value per share varies with the performance of the portfolio D. Net Asset Value per share cannot be determined in a money market fund Which of the following statements are TRUE about REITs? The last price for Acme Fund is $10.25, so 100 shares will cost $1,025 plus a commission. Buy the fund shares now just before the dividend is paid so you can get immediate income. A. 2X (Leveraged) 20+ Year Treasury ETFD. IV a varied dollar amount is invested periodically Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the mutual fund letter of intent? II and III only An individual wishes to have a fixed portion of the portfolio liquidated each month. II and IV, A customer has purchased $25,000 of a mutual fund. The next day, the index partially recovers and closes up 5%. C. must look for a buyer for the shares on the NYSE floor C. II and III Hedge funds are completely illiquid investments. the annuitant's life, not to exceed 20 years Correct B. will decrease An investor buys 100 shares of an open-end investment company with a 5% contingent deferred sales charge. They are directly accessible to individual investors. To pay the tuition bill, the customer: An interval fund is a type of closed-end fund that: Which statement is TRUE regarding variable annuity contracts? I ETNs are a type of investment company offeringII ETFs are a type of investment company offeringIII ETNs are a debt instrumentIV ETFs are a debt instrument. II The expected payments from the retirement plan are lower than the expected future assets in the plan that day's closing Net Asset Value, Series 7: Retirement Plans (Education And Hea. It is a type of structured product offered by banks that gives a return tied to a benchmark index. Though such market timing is not technically illegal, FINRA has taken the view that this activity can hurt existing fund shareholders because it can dilute the value of the existing shares. It appears that the hedge fund is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund shares When comparing Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs), which of the following statements are TRUE? An inverse ETF, also called a short ETF, profits when prices drop. C Correct B. II only II Expense risk Multiple choice question. At the end of the second day, because the index goes down by 5%, the ETF value will decline by 10%. On the date of expiration of the LOI, the net asset value is $54,000, however, the customer has only invested a total of $44,000 in the fund. A The formula for the expense ratio of a mutual fund is: A. A One of the hedge fund customers tells the representative: "I would like you to talk to the administrative people at the Jeffersonian Fund Group and find out the redemption dollar amount that they use to identify funds that excessively trade." To meet the customer's investment objective of tax advantaged income, the BEST recommendation is for the customer to: The "death benefit" associated with a variable annuity contract: n income fund would likely invest in all of the following securities EXCEPT: Assets - Liabilities for a mutual fund equals: Many years ago, a customer opened a Coverdell ESA for his son, who is now age 16, and a savings account for his daughter, who is now age 18. A closed-end management company is a publicly traded fund. If the market rises, the customers loss can be infinite. II, IVC. there is a commission cost when buying an exchange traded fund share whereas there is no commission cost when buying a mutual fund shareD. This contrasts to a closed end fund, where the fund is traded in the market like any other stock. And the fees charged are more similar to hedge funds than a traditional closed-end fund as well - with annual ongoing fees averaging 3%, and another average 2% fee when shares are redeemed (and this ignores the up-front sales charge that is imposed when the shares are purchased!). A leveraged ETF uses borrowing (margin) and options to magnify price movement as compared to the reference index. The reason why these funds are called "money" funds is that the securities held in the portfolios have very short maturities (less than 30 days) and turn over into cash quickly. Class D shares are typically sold by investment advisers. Also note that FINRA specifically looks for market timing customers that attempt to avoid detection by flying under the radar by using multiple account numbers or trading in amounts just beneath the audit thresholds. $46.00 It appears that the hedge fund customer is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund sharesC. A. The provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 include which of the following? The essential difference between an open end fund and closed end fund is that a(n): A. open-end fund is managed; while a closed-end fund is not managedB. On the other hand, exchange traded funds are treated like regular listed stocks and can be bought on margin and can be sold short as well. So the bottom line on interval funds is that they are higher risk, higher fee, illiquid investments that attempt to achieve higher returns. C. II and III The most shareholders can lose in event of the failure of the corporation is their original investment because of what is referred to as ________ _______ . The initial offering of closed-end investment company shares is made under a prospectus. I Comparison of funds over the same period of time is appropriate when the funds have different investment objectives A 300% leveraged ETF can be expected to move 3 times as fast as the reference index, either up or down. True false question. An engineer prepares a report to evaluate a project using PW and IRR. A. A customer has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to buy $25,000 of XYZ mutual fund to qualify for a breakpoint that reduces the sales charge from 7% to 6%. Governments and can also be invested in the shares of other REITs, though this rarely happens. that days closing Net Asset Value. Repayment is based on the credit of the issuing bank, and if the banks credit rating is lowered, the price should drop. They have relatively low credit risk. C. REITs are similar to open-end funds, with shares redeemable at NAV. B An ETN is an Exchange Traded Note. B Therefore, investment clubs cannot group purchases for a breakpoint, nor can investment advisers group their customers purchases. This nurse is not wealthy enough for a hedge fund investment. If seasonal production is used, it is assumed that inventory will directly match sales for each month and there will be no inventory buildup. Close NAV Shorting an ETF is the same thing as shorting any stock. $1,025 plus a commission, Closed-end funds are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. The wife works while the husband does not. The customer will pay what price per share? III based on the Standard and Poor's 100 Index B C D Friday, June 16C. The members of the board of directors are elected at the annual meeting. When a sales charge is imposed on a fund purchase, this is known as a: A. front-end load fundB. IV Mutual funds cannot be sold short; exchange traded funds can be sold short Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed by a mutual fund is 8 1/2% of the Public Offering Price. Mutual funds cannot be sold short. A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. B Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac). One cannot say that the income yield of a fund consists of both dividends and capital gains because income is defined as dividends only. $47.00, When recommending a contractual plan variable annuity, the registered representative should consider which of the following? I and III only If market interest rates fall, both stock and bond prices are positively impacted. Capital appreciation and stability interval fundD. 0 Buying a security into inventory directly from a customer with a mark-down. Explain to the customer that if the additional $6,000 is not deposited, the account will be liquidated. It appears that the representative has violated the insider trading rules because he divulged the mutual fund's "red flag" threshold to the hedge fund customer C Incorrect Answer C. II and III Inverse (Short) 20+ Year Treasury ETF. Then the shares are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. B. I and IV The letter of intent to receive a breakpoint can be backdated 90 days. August 15th tax filing date permitted under an automatic extension of the calendar year after which the contribution may be claimed on that person's tax return, A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. Bid III and IV onlyC. ), Which statements are TRUE regarding money market funds? An open end fund has a Net Asset Value of $10 per share. I Money market funds are typically sold with a sales chargeII Money market funds are typically sold without a sales chargeIII Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not reinvested in additional sharesIV Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares. II, III, IV A The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that the minimum capital to start a fund is $100,000; that at least 40% of the Board of Directors be non-interested parties - that is, they are not affiliated with the sponsor, custodian, transfer agent, or firms in the selling group; and that the fund have a stated investment objective that can only be changed by majority vote of the shareholders. An investor buys 100 shares of an open-end investment company with a 5% contingent deferred sales charge. IV Investment risk Fund wholesalers must be FINRA members. A nurse working in a medical practice who earns $40,000 per year has a liquid net worth of $20,000. Inform the client that he or she must invest another $6,000, otherwise the price paid per share will be recalculated and will be higherD. $50,001 - $100,000 4% with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). A. ETFs are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940B. In the prospectus is the following breakpoint schedule: Purchase Amount Sales Charge$0 -$10,000 8 % $10,001 - $25,000 7 %$25,001 - Over 6 %. I and II only It is based on the composition of the Standard and Poors 500 Index. Closed-end funds have a one-time stock issuance and the fund is closed to new investment. A customer who places an order to buy 100 shares of Adap Fund will pay approximately: II not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. requiring a majority vote of the outstanding shares to change a fund's investment objectiveC. Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed on a mutual fund purchase is: A. Open-end funds continuously issue and redeem shares. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. fixed unit investment trust He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan? D A $35,000 investment will buy $35,000 / $10.075 = 3,474 shares (rounded). The Letter Of Intent (LOI) provision operates separately from Rights of Accumulation and takes precedence over Rights of Accumulation. pricing of the fund shares must conform to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940. b. The note is a debt of the bank, and is backed by the faith and credit of the issuing bank. due to required industry firewalls, registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. for the Board of Trustees on a typical Wednesday. A customer sells short a 3X Leveraged ETF at $30 per share. The portfolio of investments is managed - this is a closed-end management company. A. I and III Multiple select question. I, II, IIID. II. C The cost of soliciting new investment also includes compensation to registered representatives selling the fund shares. II and IVC. A On this date, the Funds shares are reduced by the value of the distribution. for dissolution of the trust, "SPIDERS" are: C. $990 plus a commission The four most relevant types of money are commodity money, fiat money, fiduciary money ( cheques, banknotes ), and commercial bank money. December 31st of the calendar year in which the contribution may be claimed on that person's tax return -Initial payments are made at an interest rate that is above the market rate -At a predetermined time, the interest rate is decreased to a rate that is at, or below, the market A customer wishes to buy a $50,000 certificate of deposit offered by your firm. with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that the minimum capital to start a fund is $100,000; that no more than 60% of the Board of Directors be interested parties - that is, they are affiliated with the sponsor, custodian, transfer agent, or firms in the selling group; and that the fund have a stated investment objective that can only be changed by majority vote of the shareholders. quarterlyC. A. It offers its shares continuously like an open-end fund. Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the "AIR" stated in a variable annuity prospectus? D A The manager of the fund, not having to worry about redemptions, can make less liquid, more risky investments similar to hedge funds. Such late trading is prohibited under the Investment Company Act of 1940. A. REITs invest in real estate or loans secured by real estate. C Redemption of shares has no effect on Net Asset Value per share, because the redemption of each share occurs at the current Net Asset Value that day. If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. Industry performance Hedge FundD. Correct Answer C. Fixed percentage C Label each article definite or indefinite. d. All of the above are true regarding ETFs. A customer redeems 1,000 shares of ABC Fund. Change When discussing mutual funds with a customer, all of the following statements are prohibited EXCEPT: A. A mutual funds expense ratio has been increasing over the last 4 years. fund has made dividend distributions to shareholdersD. The plan requires that a constant dollar amount be maintained in equity securities, with any excess invested in debt. III The representative must believe that the variable product as a whole, the underlying separate accounts to which funds are allocated, and riders to the policy, are suitable A. Because the investor might be able to achieve hedge fund like returns (since the interval fund makes investments in a much broader range of assets such as commercial property, private equity funds, hedge funds, business loans, catastrophe bonds, etc.) The PW is negative and The customer must be paid the money within: A married couple, where both individuals work, earns in excess of $119,000 in year 2017. A. I and II B . A. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on marginII Mutual funds cannot be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds can be purchased on marginIII Mutual funds can be sold short; exchange traded funds cannot be sold shortIV Mutual funds cannot be sold short; exchange traded funds can be sold short, A. I and III onlyB. Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. $90 per shareD. I and III II and IIIC. III. Write a paragraph to form a hypothesis about why India's Supreme Court put a temporary ban on the pesticide endosulfan. D III and IVD. B III REITs are similar to open end investment company shares Because of this, the customer must deposit new money in the dollar amount required by the LOI to get the lowered sales charge. This will occur if the fund gives an inferior return. I the price of the stock remains fixed were created to make it easier for foreign firms to satisfy US security registration requirements. However, mutual fund companies will aggregate purchases of immediate family members in the same household and give them the benefit of the breakpoint. in the Dow Jones Industrial AverageC. sales chargesC. III Mortality risk Their common stock can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges. To qualify as a regulated investment company, 75% of REIT income must be real estate related. open-end fund computes Net Asset Value daily; while a closed-end fund does not. I and IVC. The FHLB ______ money by ______ securities and ______ this money to savings and loans institutions to in turn be lent out to individuals borrowing for mortgage loans. B fixed unit investment trustD. Note that individual investors cannot buy creation units - only institutional investors. $745 negotiated sales charge fund, The sales charge that is imposed when a customer initially purchases fund shares is known as a front-end load sales charge.. An individual or corporation making a purchase is considered to be one purchaser and qualifies for the breakpoint. II and III only. NAV per share of a mutual fund declines when asset values decline in the portfolio. A. Both Treasury bonds and Treasury notes make semiannual interest payments. Any surrender fee imposed: The venture must have a legitimate business purpose other than tax avoidance The partnership must have at least 1 general partner and 1 limited partner Only general partners can assume a management role Any asset can be held in the partnership For Acme fund is traded in the prohibited practice of late trading mutual... Taxable income an investor buys 100 shares of other REITs, though this rarely.. A typical Wednesday floor c. II and iii only an individual wishes to have a portion! Credit rating is lowered, the customers loss can be infinite of 1940..! A typical Wednesday Loan Mortgage Corporation ( FHLMC or Freddie Mac ) company that an... Security into inventory directly from a customer has purchased $ which statements are true regarding money market funds? ) ETF at $ 30 per share next,. Goods makes baseball gloves that are very popular in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual expense! 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