trench protective systems include which of the followingcook county corrupt judges

trench protective systems include which of the following

each pulls on his end of the spring with a 200 N force. Shielding does not protect against soil . Protective systems shall have the capacity to resist without failure all loads that are intended or could reasonably be expected to be applied or transmitted to the system. Before temporary removal of individual members begins, additional precautions shall be taken to ensure the safety of employees, such as installing other structural members to carry the loads imposed on the support system. OSHA standard 1926.652, Requirements for protective systems, details four types of protective systems. the safe angle must be more gradual when an excavation: The example in the image to the right shows the sloping requirements for Type C soil. Employees shall not be permitted to work on the faces of sloped or benched excavations at levels above other employees except when employees at the lower levels are adequately protected from the hazard of falling, rolling, or sliding material or equipment. Configurations. means the vertical members of a trench shoring system placed in contact with the earth and usually positioned so that individual members do not contact each other. 1926.652(b)(3) which requires other tabulated data to be followed. How far does Bob's end of the spring move? For a more detailed discussion, see Safesites article Dig Deep: The Ultimate Excavation Safety Guide. workers. (ii) Designs shall be in written form and shall include the following: (A) A plan indicating the sizes, types, and configurations of the materials to be used in the protective system; and. Where the working area of an excavation is constantly moving, as in laying a conduit, shield systems or trench boxes may be the more appropriate protective devices to use. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. The safe angle must be determined with each individual project. Examples of protective systems that can be used to comply with the Excavation standards include: Sloping the sides of the excavation to an angle not steeper than 1:1 (for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back 1 feet). Beveling involves cutting the trench walls at an angle away from the excavation. Sloping involves cutting back the trench wall at an angle that is inclined away from the excavation. This appendix must be used when design of timber shoring protective systems is to be performed in accordance with 1926.652(c)(1). Shielding protects workers by using trench boxes or other types of supports to prevent soil cave-ins. The trench is sloped on both sides. The first step in protecting workers from a trench collapse is to determine if a protective system is required. 2Cu+(aq)Cu2+(aq)+Cu(s), Hazard or mitigation controls may be short and/or long term, Hazard prevention and control should contain both, A safety and health program is called a living document why, A safety and health program changes as an organization changes, What should an incident investigation program include, I'm general accidents and incidents are caused by unsafe or hazardous conditions and, Unsafe or unhealthy actions and behaviors, Who should be on the team that evaluates a safety and health program, Who should be involved in communication and coordination of safety and health programs, Managers are considered what within an organization when it comes to safety and health, What is the ideal time for conducting witness interviews during an incident investigation, As promptly as possible since memories fade over time, Which of the following is an incident that should be investigated, Of the following who should be the best choice to write your organization safety and health program, You have been investigating an incident where a worker was struck in the head by a flying scrap of wood from a table saw which of the following corrective actions might be the most appropriate, Table saws must always have guards installed, Which of the following is a benefit for having a safety and health program, A company may need to bid on a contract that requires safety and health documentation, When should a formal hazard assessment or inspection be performed, Which of the following is a line role with regard to an organizations safety and health program, Implementing and maintaining the safety and health program, Which of the following statement are true about incidents, Nearly all workplace incidents are wholly preventable, Personal fall arrest hooks must be locking and, Designed to prevent opening and slipping off the connector, Personal fall arrest system connectors must be compatible and capable of supporting at least, If there are defects found during the inspection of personal fall protection equipment or if the equipment has been used in an arrest it must be, Three major components of personal fall arrest sustain anchor and the anchorage connector full body harness and, Horizontal lifelines shall be designed installed and used under the supervision of a what as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains safety factor of at least two, Fall restraint systems must meet which of the following criteria, It is important to secure your ladder whenever feasible to, OSHA and ladder manufacturers require which of the following when ascending or descending, The three main types of portable ladders are, The 4:1 angle rule for extension ladders means which of the following, For every 4ft of the ladder it should be 1 for away from the wall, Protect yourself while working in a ladder by, Supported scaffold systems must be inspected for, Every supported scaffold and it's components must support without failure it's own weight and at least what the intended load, The guardrails on suspended scaffolds manufactured after the year 2000 must be how long with mid rails installed approximately halfway between the top rail and the platform surface, A what must be available to direct workers who are constructing a moving scaffolds, Employees must not work on scaffold surfaces until, The surface are determined to have the strength and structural integrity to support their intended loads, Hazards of type scaffold being used along with it's maximum intended load and capacity, A person must select direct employees who erect dismantle more or alter scaffold and who must inspect scafffolding to ensure compliance is called a, OSHA's specifically requires who to assess the workplace to determine if the walking and working surfaces on which you work have the strength and structural integrity to safety support workers, A what is any mechanism used to dissipate a substantial amount of energy during a fall arrest or otherwise limits the energy imposed on an employee during fall arrest, Horizontal lifelines shall be designed installed and used under the supervision of a qualified person as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of, At least two times the maximum intended load, A what must be available to direct workers who are constructing or moving scaffolds, Electrical burns occur principally because of, The heat generated by the flow of electrical current through the body, The "B" in the acronym BESAFE stand for burns what are the 3 types of burns that are caused by exposure to electricity, An electrical hazard can be defined as a serious workplace hazard that exposes workers to which of the following, According to OSHA what does the term electrocution mean, Any overhead power line should be considered energized unless the entity owning or operating the electrical utility suppling the line certifies that it is, The minimum safe distance for equipment operating in proximity to energized power lines that contain up to 50,000 volts is, Where can minimum clearance distances for working near power lines be found, New and improved tolls and technologies exist that help prevent inadvertent shock and electrocution hazards with underground energized utilities including, The three most common GFCI's used today are, Which of the following is an electrical hazard, Extension cords should be inspected prior to their use for, For a lockout ragout to be effective all the energy sources must be isolated in the off position zero energy must be verified and each worker must apply an individual lock to the locking device the key for each persons lock is kept with, Which of the following are major causes do to the failure to follow lockout ragout procedures, The purpose of a lockout ragout checklist is to, OSHA requires all power cords to be protected from mechanical damage and environmental deterioration which includes protection from, You can help protect yourself from electrocution by, Personal protective equipment for electrical workers is designed to provide protection under certain circumstances and conditions typical footwear will be marked what if its approved for electrical work, Electrical PPE with the following defects must NOT be used The angle of slope required depends on the soil conditions. (ii) Slopes specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, shall be excavated to form configurations that are in accordance with the slopes shown for Type C soil in appendix B to this subpart. Use Protective Systems. cause damage from the movement of the equipment across a larger excavation. Support systems shall be installed and removed in a manner that protects employees from cave-ins, structural collapses, or from being struck by members of the support system. When surcharge loads from stored material or equipment, operating equipment, or traffic are present, a competent person shall determine the degree to which the actual slope must be reduced below the maximum allowable slope, and shall assure that such reduction is achieved. (i) Excavation of material to a level no greater than 2 feet (.61 m) below the bottom of the members of a support system shall be permitted, but only if the system is designed to resist the forces calculated for the full depth of the trench, and there are no indications while the trench is open of a possible loss of soil from behind or below the This appendix must be used when design of the aluminum hydraulic protective system cannot be performed in accordance with Section 1541.1 (c) (2). Please answer all of the questions before checking your quiz answers. Which of the following is considered the safest of the four methods to prevent an excavation wall collapse? Always err on the side of caution. Protective systems for use in excavations more than 20 feet in depth must be designed by _____. OSHA requires protective systems when a trench reaches a depth of five feet. Explain. It is by sloping the sides of the trench to a safe angle. Topics include the four types of trench collapse, the frequency and cost of trench collapses, trench soil types, and common trench protective systems. After that time this data may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy shall be made available to the Secretary upon request. Excavations shall be sloped at an angle not steeper than one and one-half horizontal to one vertical (34 degrees measured from the horizontal), unless the employer uses one of the other options listed below. Hazard prevention and control should contain both. means an inclined walking or working surface that is used to gain access to one point from another, and is constructed from earth or from structural materials such as steel or wood. (ii) The tabulated data shall be in written form and include all of the following: (A) Identification of the parameters that affect the selection of a protective system drawn from such data; (B) Identification of the limits of use of the data; (iii) At least one copy of the tabulated data, which identifies the registered professional engineer who approved the data, shall be maintained at the jobsite during construction of the protective system. in Pearland. Pneumatic Shoring. If less than 5 feet deep, a competent person may determine that a protective system is not required. Protective systems should be inspected and maintained on a daily basis, more often if conditions are constantly changing. Designs of support systems, shield systems, and other protective systems shall be selected and constructed by the employer or his designee and shall be in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c)(1); or, in the alternative, paragraph (c)(2); or, in the alternative, paragraph (c)(3); or, in the alternative, paragraph (c)(4) as follows: (c) Appendix C, Timber Shoring for Trenches. (ii) Designs shall be in written form and shall include at least the following: (A) The magnitude of the slopes that were determined to be safe for the particular project; (B)The configurations that were determined to be safe for the particular project; and. Ramps made of soil or rock are not considered structural ramps. However, subsequent benches may be up to a maximum of 5 feet vertical in Type A soil and 4 feet in Type B soil. A manual analysis could include feeling the soil in your hands or using a penetrometer. (i) Excavations shall be sloped at an angle not steeper than one and one-half horizontal to one vertical (34 degrees measured from the horizontal), unless the employer uses one of the other options listed below. The spacing and inclination of these planes is critical to rock stability. If installed and removed correctly, vertical planks and trench braces may be used several times! Human and administrative resources. (2) Maximum allowable slope. The maximum allowable slope for a soil or rock deposit shall be determined from Table B-1 of this appendix. After that time the data may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy of the data shall be made available to the Secretary upon request. Installation of a support system shall be closely coordinated with the excavation of trenches. The left end of a spring is attached to a wall. Designs of support systems, shield systems, or other protective systems shall be selected from and be in accordance with tabulated data, such as tables and charts. This process involves stabilizing adjacent structures, foundations, and other intrusions that may have an impact on the excavation. With these requirements addressed, contractors can not only provide safe job sites but also enable personnel to be productive in delivering quality work on time and within budget. Four employees were in an excavation 32' long x 7' deep x 9' wide boring a hole under a road. Protective system integrity. Surcharge loads from adjacent structures shall be evaluated in accordance with 1926.651(i). Maximum allowable slope. The data are arranged to allow the user the flexibility to select from among several acceptable configurations of members based on varying the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces. OSHA excavation standards are specifications of requirements for trenching and excavation, including protective systems. (1) Soil classification. means the vertical or inclined earth surfaces formed as a result of excavation work. 1926.652(a) Protection of employees in excavations. All the above. Protective systems include support systems, sloping and benching systems, shield systems, and other systems that provide the necessary protection. Food accounts for 17% of the monthly budget and they spend 5% on entertainment. Protection systems: There are different protection systems. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. If that situation occurs, the slope shall be cut back to an actual slope which is at least horizontal to one vertical (H:1V) less steep than the maximum allowable slope. Hydraulic shoring should be checked at least once per shift for leaking hoses and/or cylinders, broken connections, cracked nipples, bent bases, and other damaged or defective parts. (ii) The actual slope shall be less steep than the maximum allowable slope, when there are signs of distress. The standard doesn't require a protective system when an excavation is made entirely in stable rock or is less than five feet deep. means an atmosphere which by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating, oxygen deficient, toxic, or otherwise harmful, may cause death, illness, or injury. Shoring involves installing aluminum hydraulic or other types of supports to prevent the faces of an excavation from a cave-in. means natural solid mineral material that can be excavated with vertical sides and will remain intact while exposed. The flatter the angle, the more protection the sloping offers. Pneumatic shoring works in a manner similar to hydraulic shoring. In 2014, it split the data into nine market segments: transportation, petroleum, buildings, power, industrial, water, manufacturing, sewer/waste, telecom, hazardous waste, and a tenth category for other projects. Shielding does not protect against soil failures. The requirements of this appendix apply when the design of sloping and benching protective systems is to be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in 1926.652(b)(2). (External link). There are four types of protective systems used for trench safety: sloping, shoring, shielding, and benching. It should be installed with aluminum hydraulic supports or other types of supports to prevent digging, soil movement and subsidence. Soil Classification is required when shoring or shielding is used. Slope can also be calculated using other tabulated data based on the soil type or a professional engineers design. You can correct any missed questions and check your answers again. (iii) When surcharge loads from stored material or equipment, operating equipment, or traffic are present, a competent person shall determine the degree to which the actual slope must be reduced below the maximum allowable slope, and shall assure that such reduction is achieved. Additionally, shields can be either premanufactured or job-built in accordance with 1926.652(c)(3) or (c)(4). Excavations of earth material to a level not greater than 2 feet (.61 m) below the bottom of a shield shall be permitted, but only if the shield is designed to resist the forces calculated for the full depth of the trench, and there are no indications while the trench is open of a possible loss of soil from behind or below the bottom of the shield. (iii) At least one copy of the tabulated data which identifies the registered professional engineer who approved the data, shall be maintained at the jobsite during construction of the protective system. These daily inspections include: Soil conditions and accumulation of water or anything else that would be indicative of a cave-in. Trench protective systems include which of the following: B. Sloping, benching, shoring, trench box B. 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