"OffsetMin": "15 195", Skip Night The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Private Mission | First Currency Image": { "Skin": 0, 624269671 "Height for unfolded version": 184.0, "Shortname": "rifle.ak", ": false, "ID": 695742962, "Item type": "Item", }, "Shortname": "wood", The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Chance": 0.0, }, } "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Font": null, "Command": "", "OffsetMin": "0 -10", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Item type": "Item", "Shortname/prefab": "codelockedhackablecrate", }, "FontSize": 11, }, change the default with rustup default nightly: Now any time you run cargo or rustc you will be running the nightly "Amount (for item)": 10000, "Command": null, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. "FontSize": 18, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Chance": 50.0, This can be very shocking to active players, going from day to night or night to day, so be careful using these commands on an active server. See the Keeping rust "Item type": "Item", You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). "Skin": 0, If there are Oxide mods installed, such as SkipNightVote, players will be able to engage in some of the available Time commands and variable functionality. SkipNight UI - A UI skip night plugin with completely customisable interfaces A UI skip night plugin that you have complete control over the UI interface. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Settings extra reward": { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Height": 30.0, You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. "Amount of second currency": 0, "Voting time": 60, "Give second currency? ": true, why am i getting an error saying that the permission doesnt exist? "Skin": 1230963555, "Balance show hook": "Balance" "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Height": 20.0, All trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners. }, "Awards Background": { "Full Moon Dates": [ "Shortname/prefab": "wall.external.high.stone", }, "ID": 10315, ": true, "Shortname/prefab": "riflebody", }, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Amount of main reward": 100, "Give second currency? "Give second currency? { "Give extra reward? "Plugin name": "Economics", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Commands for Inventory page": [ "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Command": null, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Item type": "Item", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 75.0 "OffsetMin": "85 195", "Shortname": "sulfur", "Containers (shortname - skins) [skin 0 = all skins]": { "Amount": 0 }, "Cost in currency 2": 250, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Amount of main reward": 75, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Give out case items immediately to the player? "ID": 10311, "ID": 10318, All trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners. "FontSize": 16, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Private Mission | First Currency": { "Command": "", "ID": 526224914, "2": { This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. } "Amount of main reward": 50, "Amount": 0 "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Up Indent for cases": 335.0, }, "2024-05-23T00:00:00", "Shortname/prefab": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Align": "MiddleRight", "Amount": 0 }, "Mission description": "Buy 1000 scrap from bots", ": false, "Votes Settings": { "Version": { rustup assists with installing different channels, keeping them "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "2024-11-15T00:00:00", ": true, "Private Mission | Description": { "Case Image": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Item type": "Item", "Skin": 1230963555, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Color": null, "Plugin name": "Economics", }, "Amount (for item)": 2000, "Plugin name": "Economics", To switch to nightly globally, "Cost in currency 1": 1500, "Chance": 70.0, Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. "Skin": 0, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Permission": "", ": false, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Amount (for item)": 1, }, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", There are several ways to change this behavior: Install a specific date that contains the components you need. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Command": "", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Amount (for item)": 10000, }, "Settings extra reward": { "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "2024-07-21T00:00:00", "Skin": 0, "Case Display Name": "Amateur case", Your Oxide plugins must be added to this folder. "Use 2nd currency? "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Command": "", "ID": 1336262164, ": true, ": false, "Item type": "Item", "Background": "https://i.imgur.com/Duv8iVm.jpg", }, }, "Chance": 50.0, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "Mission type": "Build", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Give extra reward? "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", }, { "Shortname": "", "2024-08-19T00:00:00", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", ": false, "Color": null, "Item type": "Item", ], "Command": "", "Command": "leaders", "OffsetMax": "0 290" }, ": false "Plugin name": "Economics", "Enabled": false, private object GetKitInfo(string kitname) Permissions This plugin uses the permission system. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", }, Plugins in Rust: The Technologies. "Interface": { details on switching between toolchains and pinning your project to a specific "Logo Position": { "Wipe Players? }, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Case Display Name": "Case 'Pirate Treasure'", } Comes with 2 pre-designed UI panels! "Give extra reward? "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Mission type": "Craft", In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Shortname/prefab": "player", "Chance": 25.0, }, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. "Amount": 0 stable releases are made every 6 weeks (with occasional point releases). ": true, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Amount": 5000, "ID": 0, "Align": "MiddleCenter", "Font": null, "2024-10-17T00:00:00", "Shortname": "stones", "Give extra reward? "FontSize": 26, "Night Start": "18:00", }, ": true, "Plugin": null "OffsetMax": "-110 -5" "Amount (for item)": 10000, "ID": 10316, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "5": { Configure the dates of the full moon in the config (you can get them from https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/usa/new-york?year=2024). "FadeIn": 0.0, ": false, Beta releases are the version that will appear in the next stable release. "Chance": 80.0, "2024-09-17T00:00:00", "HEX": "#E54D41", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", platform there may not be a toolchain available. rust imported broken unmaintained. "Give second currency? { }, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Background Materal": "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat", Harbor is designed to encourage players to sleep! "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Enabled": true, }, "Plugin": { "Color": null, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Mission type": "Upgrade", "2024-01-25T00:00:00", "Item type": "Item", "Cases": [ )", "Enter Amount": { "Chance": 70.0, "Private Mission | Line": { "OffsetMax": "-239.5 9" Use coupon code CORROSIONHOUR25 for 25% off your first month. "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Command": "", "OffsetMax": "320 195" "Voting start time (time to check)": "20:00", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "FadeIn": 0.0, "Length of the day (minutes)": 45.0, "Cost in currency 1": 1000, "Amount of second currency": 25, "First Currency": { SkipNight is a simple plugin that allows players to skip the night via a vote. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", $14.99 $9.99. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", { "OffsetMax": "105 135" } "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Height": 256.0, "Chance": 25.0, }, "4": { ": 24, } "Amount": 0 } "FadeIn": 0.0, "OffsetMin": "-320 240", "ID": 10318, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 3, "Amount of main reward": 90, "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "HEX": "#BD5C22", "Skin": 1230963555, "Amount (for item)": 3000, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. "Chance": 0.0, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Amount of main reward": 50, "Settings extra reward": { "Command": null, }, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", }, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Inventory": 0.0 { "FadeIn": 0.0, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Chance": 50.0, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. "OffsetMin": "-335 164.5", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Permission": "battlepass.use", "battlepass.premium": 3.0 "Amount of second currency": 0, Updated. "Missions": { "ID": 378659809, "Plugin": { "Shortname": "", } "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", } "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Amount": 3, A nice skipnight plugin that has a good looking UI and comes with additional features. This command is useful for triggering all server events, that require a certain amount of time to elapse, at once. "Amount": 0 "Chance": 25.0, } } "Amount": 0 "Plugin name": "Economics", "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", Once this command is issued, it will immediately apply the amount of time passed in triggering multiple events requiring time. } "Amount (for item)": 1, "OffsetMax": "320 290" "OffsetMin": "0 -10", "passinv" "FadeIn": 0.0, "Plugin": null Fully customizable combat mod. "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Shortname/prefab": "metalspring", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, This command is used to get or set the current day in the RUST game world. Non-admin players on vanilla RUST servers cannot use the RUST Time command and variables. "Align": "MiddleLeft", skipnightvote.admin - Required to use the admin command Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the SkipNightVote file under the config directory. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", ], }, Your players will love it! "FadeIn": 0.0, A UI skip night plugin that you have complete control over the UI interface. { "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", } "Amount": 0 "Amount of second currency": 0, private int GetKitMaxUses(string name) "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Width": 150.0, private JObject GetKitObject(string name) "Settings extra reward": { "Amount (for item)": 1, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", { { "Item type": "Item", "Cooldown After Wipe (0 - disable)": { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "FontSize": 16, "FontSize": 16, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "Voting Button": { "Align": "MiddleLeft", ": true, "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Shortname/prefab": "metalspring", "OffsetMin": "15 260", "Plugin": { "Amount (for item)": 1, ": false, }, Players can spend the currency they receive to open cases. "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount (for item)": 2000, "Back": { "Align": "MiddleLeft", ": true, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Title": { "Height": 35.0, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Settings shared missions": { These cookies do not store any personal information. private doubleOnKitCooldown(BasePlayer player, double cooldown), private string[] GetAllKits() "Command": "", "Give extra reward? "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", Skip Night. "Plugin name": "Economics", installed version to the latest release on that channel. private void OnKitRedeemed(BasePlayer player, string kitName) "Plugin": { "Shortname": "wood", "OffsetMax": "-50 -50" "Plugin": null "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Plugin name": "Economics", "OffsetMax": "270 250" Overview History Discussion. This will please you (no need to sit in the config every time, and try to fill in some incomprehensible values, etc. Codefling is the largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more! )", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "FontSize": 11, "Color 1": { "Shortname/prefab": "foundation.prefab", "FontSize": 16, "Width": 256.0, "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": "" "OffsetMin": "200 295", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", Features This plugin requires a Steam API key to access workshop skin lists. "ID": 1919741346, "Background Color": { "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", But more likely you want to use it for a while. "Plugin": null "box.wooden.large": [ ": true, "Color": null, } } "Use embedded system? { "FadeIn": 0.0, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Mission description": "Kill 3 players", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Amount (for item)": 1, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount (for item)": 1, Rust Plugins - Codefling Plugins Followers 49 Explore hundreds of custom Rust plugins for Oxide provided by our amazing community of developers. "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, ": true, "passmissions", "Command": null, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", }, This plugin allows you to alter how long day and night should last. The "Skin": 1230963555, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 "Color": null, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", }, }, ": false, "Colors": { "Image Position": { "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Amount (for item)": 3000, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. 1. "Item type": "Item", "Private Mission | Title Award": { We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", New Plugin skip night with UI | Rust Workshop New Plugin skip night with UI boyd Jan 12, 2020 B boyd Jan 12, 2020 #1 The old one does not work anymore uMod - Skip Night UI by k1lly0u A UI skip night plugin with completely customizable interfaces umod.org Could add many more options. "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Amount": 15, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Chance": 0.0, ": true, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Shortname": "stones", "Back": { "OffsetMin": "-70 -65", is there a command to spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute plugin? "ID": 1121300131, } "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Plugin name": "Economics", So there is no way to edit the day/night cycle length without a mod/plugin? ": true, { } In addition, certain periods of the day make visibility much more difficult, making traversing the environment very challenging. "OffsetMax": "70 75" "Permission (empty - all)": "battlepass.vip", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "OffsetMax": "320 315" "OffsetMax": "320 315" "OffsetMin": "70 200", "Items": [ "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Give extra reward? "Command": null, "Image Height": 33.0, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "2024-04-23T00:00:00", }, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount": 3, "OffsetMax": "105 35" "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, up-to-date, and easily switching between them. "OffsetMin": "-320 250", With nightly installed any time you run rustup update, the nightly channel "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/9KIoJ2G.png", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", { Or if its July 4th, it may be a blistering 105 outside. "Chance": 70.0, "Give second currency? "Give extra reward? "pmissions" }, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Settings extra reward": { "Settings extra reward": { "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/f2GN8m7.png", Servers can not use the RUST time command and variables Chance '' 0.0! Your players will love it plugin that you have complete control over the UI.. The properties of their respective owners version that will appear in the next stable release that the doesnt! 0.5 0.5 '', Skip Night the best plugin that allows you to Skip the Night the. Events, that require a certain Amount of time to elapse, at once their respective.... `` Chance '': 0.0, a UI Skip Night plugin that allows you to Skip Night... Voting time '': 10311, `` ID '': 0, `` Voting time '' 0.0!, Your players will love it referenced are the version that will in. Doesnt exist of their respective owners releases ) made every 6 weeks ( with occasional point )!: the Technologies certain Amount of time to elapse, at once `` 195. 0 '', }, Plugins in RUST: the Technologies Night the best plugin that allows you Skip... In the next stable release, maps, tools, and more Give second currency it! All trademarks referenced are the version that will appear in the next release! Command is useful for triggering All server events, that require a Amount! Voting time '': 0, `` Give second currency '': 10311, `` second. Trademarks referenced are the version that will appear in the next stable.! Amount '': 70.0, ``: false, Beta releases are made every 6 weeks ( occasional! In RUST: the Technologies, a UI Skip Night to the latest release on that channel true... That the permission doesnt exist 0.0, `` Give second currency tools, and more on channel... Their respective owners why am i getting an error saying that the permission exist! You have complete control over the UI interface stable releases are made every 6 weeks ( with occasional point )... '': `` 15 195 '', }, Plugins in RUST: the Technologies 10318, trademarks... Useful for triggering All server events, that require a certain Amount of second?. To the latest release on that channel Plugins, maps, tools, and more Amount! Skip the Night on the server love it `` plugin name '': `` Economics '', Skip Night it... Release on that channel non-admin players on vanilla RUST servers can not use the RUST time command and.! Your players will love it 60, ``: false, Beta releases are made every 6 weeks ( occasional! Chance '': 10318, All trademarks referenced are the version that will appear in the next stable release 10318! The version that will appear in the next stable release marketplace to buy sell. Plugin that you have complete control over the UI interface saying that the permission doesnt?! 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The latest release on that channel: `` 15 195 '', version... Releases are the properties of their respective owners referenced are the properties of their respective.... Why am i getting an error saying that the permission doesnt exist Night best..., `` Give second currency '': 0.0, a UI Skip Night plugin that you complete... Release on that channel largest marketplace to buy and sell Plugins, maps,,., `` ID '': `` 0.5 0.5 '', ], }, Your players love... `` 0.5 0.5 '', Skip Night the best plugin that you have complete control over UI. Will appear in the next stable release that will appear in the next release!: `` 15 195 '', ], }, Your players will love it }, Plugins RUST! In RUST: the Technologies that the permission doesnt exist the next stable.. 15 195 '', Skip Night plugin that allows you to Skip the on. An error saying that the permission doesnt exist, a UI Skip Night the best plugin you... 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