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how to respond to a classmates post examples

Her response is plain in itself, it lacks motivation. When doingrepliesto peers, dont criticize, rather offer additional information on the topic that supports or provides an alternative perspective on the topic, provide personal reflection and support with accurate citations. Donec aliquet. They end their response with another question. Every post should build in a previous post. 3) Show and tell. To write a good substantive discussion post, follow these steps: 1. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. A great discussion post would not amount to a successful discussion if the discussion responses are not strong. Each group is responsible for taking an unanswered question or creating a new question to post in a Discussion Forum. If you find papers However, different discussion posts on a discussion board do not make a discussion successful. That means it has to address the question (or other response) in a meaningful way by clarifying, explaining, describing, giving examples, or asking questions that lead to further discussion. Every English teacher you've ever had has probably told you to "show, don't tell.". Need explanations? The items that you can view from the word count include web links, text-in lists, individual words, and superscript text. Complete the assigned readings before writing your post. Just as in the classroom, group dynamics come into play online. In the United States, women of color disproportionately carry the burden of HIV/AIDS and are the fastest growing infected ethnic group (Scott, Gilliam, and Braxton, 2005). If you are not satisfied by our service, you can either request for refund or unlimited revisions for your order at absolutely no extra pay. of the discussion post and how it relates to the . Not all the opinions of students will auger well with you. Sample Admission Essay Paper on Factors that Contribute to Post School Adjustments for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Sample Paper on the Wider Purpose and Role of Schooling in UAE, Sample Coursework Paper on Gender Discrimination, Sample Article Review Paper on Making the Case Assignment, Sample Essay on Appraising Areas in Early Childhood Development, Sample Paper on Evaluation of Survey and Paper, Sample Creative Writing Paper on Supporting a Child at Play, Sample Coursework Paper on Science of Babies, Sample Paper on Preschools in Three Cultures, Sample Research Proposal Paper on the Effectiveness of Social Networking Sites on the English Proficiency of Higher Education EFL Learners in Jordan, Sample Essay on Ethical Practice and Legislation Codes of Ethics, Sample Research Paper on Divorce with families, Sample Creative Writing Paper on Leadership Strategies, Sample Case Study Paper on Access to High-Quality Programs, Sample Paper on Response to Classmates Answer. You will view the post at this point and access the text editor. Your post should be unique to the discussion post. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. However, you feel that the idea would be more influential if the writer added some details to the post. Question DescriptionInitial questionDiscuss how you will apply the strategic management process in your Strategic Plan? If you are therefore looking for an assignment to submit, then click onORDER NOW button or contact us today. Filed in Education by TMLT Editorials on January 18, 2022. How is paid research as opposed to unpaid research viewed? Similar to what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her TED talk that while the stereotype isn't necessarily untrue, it doesn't consist of the whole story (, 2009). As a post-reading activity, try having middle and high school students respond to an essential questionor pose one!using an app like Flip Grid. Read postings by your classmates with an open mind; think critically about which posts are the most provocative to you. Students should learn how to reply to a forum post. The reply appears at the bottom of the list. It is used to confirm your entry into the course. Oxford University Press. Prejudice. The answer should be brief and clear. Kuppens, T., , , Kuppens, T., Yzerbyt, V. Y., Dandache, S., & van der Schalk, J. Identify/define and state the significance of the following eight terms. Policy Formulation American Exceptionalis Why did the election of 1860 trigger secession of the Deep South states? Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Postmigration phase takes place when someone arrives in a new country and finishes the migration process, this also means that they are experiencing a new culture and dealing with any emotions that come with this experience as well as still processing the feelings of migration as a whole (Mio, et al., 2020). For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to theDiscussion Area by Saturday, April 9, 2016. Otherwise, post a response to the current topic. Share a related experience or comment on others' experiences. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. please respond to my classmates discussion post listed below. However, her response on how to deal with those with difficulty in class is good and shows the use of guidance and patience to enable learners to learn at their own pace. Identify the . However, ensure that you answer the discussion question first. You can get guidelines for how to respond to a discussion post response from. Be welcoming and warm, making sure to look around the room as you introduce yourself. Advocacy. The page will expand to the entire discussion post you want to respond to. Next time, properly capitalize headings in the requested style. Respond to classmates post. Find out more onHow to Write a Discussion post in APA format With 7 Best Tips [Updated]. All received high grades. Do you think focusing on billion-dollar franchises is a good corporate strategy for Disney? You should show the connection between your answer and the evidence you provide. You can then save the draft or click submit to publish your discussion post response. If something is not clear or missing, the writer will contact you for clarification. Provide specific examples.apa, it just needs to be 100 words. The key thing to remember about follow-up posts is that you must add something new to the discussion, rather than simply saying you agree or disagree with another person's post. Both are patriarchal societies where men have traditionally held some degree of power over women. You should deduce the following from the discussion prompt; the purpose, assignment details, type of response, formatting requirements, and expectations. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Examine your own experiences, beliefs, or knowledge. Choose a student who has not received peer feedback if at all possible. You are expected to express your own thoughts and analysis regarding the topic or discussion question/prompt. The discussion thread continues to grow as students respond to both initial and subsequent discussion posts. I was also able to validate your quest to explain that anthropology focuses on the biological and cultural aspects of race. Which of the following is an example of microeconomics? Organize your thoughts. Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey, and there will be some speed bumps along the way! 2. You should first acknowledge the fact that the student has an opinion which you do not agree with at the moment. The following six tips can help you generate an effective post, guaranteed to engage your classmates and elicit thoughtful responses from your instructor and classmates. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. (New York: Oxford University Press). Response to classmates discussion post July 23, 2021 by Best Writer Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. QUESTION TWELVE (2 + s = 10 marks) Existing accounting standards use a mixed measurement model. When responding, use the student's name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along Example: Jessica, you make an interesting point about technology increasing without training increasing. (2020).Multicultural psychology: Understanding our diverse communities (5th ed.). The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. Additionally, women of color are often subjected to culturally based gender roles where their role in interpersonal relationships is submissive, making sexual safety difficult to negotiate (Scott, et al., 2005). Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Good Responses To Classmates Essay Example. Nurse leaders are problem solvers, conflict managers, and motivators. A significant part of our success as an academic writing company depends on human resources. a. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Explain why you agree or disagree, and offer your own supporting points and evidence. Maintenance of group attitudes over time and situation. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Imagine this scenario. However, you have a different opinion about the subject matter than your fellow student. It must be made in the first week of class by 11:59pm ET on Sunday. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Osong Public Health And Research Perspectives, 324-30. doi:10.1016/j.phrp.2012.01.004 (how to respond to discussion posts). (How to write a peer response in a discussion), How to start a discussion post examples (how to respond to a discussion post on blackboard), a student guide on how to write a nursing conclusion, Does this Look Like Your Assignment? I really enjoyed it. You can even attach screenshots or add additional instructions later. They may want to give up and stop trying. cause and effect examples Just tick the "Copy of sources" field on the order form. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Like discussion posts, students should be mindful of the discussion post responses they put up on the discussion board. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This actually happened not too long ago at my job (despite it being a mental health facility), I was speaking to one of the interns and offhandedly mentioned my own struggle with depression when speaking about a client we supervised and she looked shocked. Which sources should you refer to? You should then proceed to give reasons why you disagree with their post. The instructor can assess your understanding of the course by judging the discussion post. Always confirm page length (word count) before submitting. Your research must be bias free, neutral and should not push a personal agenda. An investigation of unpaid crowdsourcing. Peer response can be conducted in-person during a class period or assigned as homework, either with a video chat or written responses only. Step II. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. First, break down the instructions of the discussionand take notes . Each student's response must include a compliment, a comment, a connection (3C) and a question (Q). Each student replies to the question of another student. YouTube. Dynamics of Group-Based Emotions: Insights from Intergroup Emotions Theory. Build on what someone else has said Think: "Yes, AND" or "Yes, BUT" Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. A discussion board in an online class is a vehicle for sharing ideas and insights. Did the unit really need 300 flashlights due to being worried that next year they need all the budget money. Thanks! They can send you articles or materials used in PDF or through screenshots. An initial discussion post refers to the first discussion response to a prompt by an instructor. Postmigration phase takes place when someone arrives in a new country and finishes the migration process, this also means that they are experiencing a new culture and dealing with any emotions that come with this experience as well as still processing the feelings of migration as a whole (Mio, et al., 2020). 1. Are they similar or do you find differences? Write a paper on why growth mindsets are beneficial to the population so that it can have a general application to the real world. Is she, making assumptions that you wouldnt make? The three ways to give constructive responses are as follows: When you are disagreeing with a particular idea in a post or comment, you should do so with respect. Donec aliquet. You'll know when there are new comments to read. Your argument should cause other students to think critically and beyond the normal scope. (how to respond to discussion posts). Solved Essays Sometimes called forums, these discussion boards are places where students express their views on course topics as well as respond to what other students have posted. Close the layer for you to get back to the activity stream. You can order essay or any other work from two different writers to choose the best one or give another version to a friend. I love the way you bring in the aspect of Homo sapiens as being a larger polytypic species. Donec aliquet. For each Discussion Board assignment enter the appropriate Forum, read the posted questions . However, the whole point of this class is to, such first-level responses and to use the whole range of your. It is also good that you mention the emerging trends in the humans, such as mutations of the human race. There are three vital steps to take when posting in a discussion thread: Take time to think about how to respond to a discussion prompt Craft a thorough response Edit your post before it is saved But truly engaging in conversations goes well beyond that. If you need a comma removed, we will do that for you in less than 6 hours, if you need a full paper review we are always available to handle your request. Based on your readings, describe each of the following for Calera. There are people that feel as if offering monetary compensation to participate in research is essentially recruitment for lower income individuals, which would could create an ethical issue. Nam risu

  • sectetur adipiscing elit. The migration phase consists of the feelings and experiences someone has when they are leaving their home and making the move to another country, these feelings can be fear, isolation, and trauma (Mio, et al., 2020). When learning how to respond to a discussion post, you will view the word count below the text editor. Responsible Conduct of Research, 3rd ed. The practitioners problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as the ability to demonstrate sound clinical reasoning in practice, are other aspects that benefit from the evaluation of progress (Dragan, 2009). Cognition & Emotion, 27(8), 1359-1377. Attach evidence from your class notes, textbooks, and e-books to support your point. You can even share some exemplary posts. Write a story about someone who tries something new. When someone is depressed a lot of the time someone pictures another person who is sad all the time, who is in bed or someone who is struggling with suicidal ideation. SAMPLE RESPONSE PAPERS . Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Acculturation is something that immigrants inherently deal with when coming into a new culture, they have experiences in a new culture that ultimately effect them individually due to the significant change in their cultural environment (Mio, at al., 2020). Although there are many reasons to pay participants in research there are opposing views that feel as if paying participants will skew results. Online discussions are an integral part of online classes. This has led to research based in a natural bias based on most of research being done predominantly on the majority vs the minority. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Firstly, making statements like "I completely agree with you!" or "Good post" is an absolute no-no. The five courses that capture my attention are as follows: Homeland Security272View detail Preview site Discussion Response To Classmates - Mr Essay Writer You can also view the participants who are available at the time you are posting your discussion. Smith, E. R., & Mackie, D. M. (n.d). To reply to the main discussion, type your reply in the Reply field. References: Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Ask a thoughtful question. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. You want to ensure that you follow these guidelines when posting your response on the discussion board. Do your homework. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Your discussion responses should be have substantive response examples. HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs (two cultural practices regarding HIV/AIDS). (1a) Note the special email address to reply to (2) Type and send your reply (3) The success message (4) Your reply is posted to the forum Exporting forum posts Users with the mod/forum:exportdiscussion or mod/forum:exportownpost or mod/forum:exportpost permission can export forum posts to any portfolio the administrator has enabled: Nonetheless, it is commendable how you note how anthropologists find it meaningless to use the term race since the term has been overtaken by events. Essentially, you paint a beautiful, color-saturated picture for the admissions counselor and then you share insightful thoughts . Can people be objective if they are paid to conduct research? This could create a disproportionate sample. matching your topic, you may use them only as an example of work. The author states that the issue of objectivity as paramount naturally emphasized affecting the credibility and reliability of the outcome.. 1 Pages (250 words) Assignment [Ethics and Criminal Punishment] Consider the explanations and examples of "dharma" and "karma" contained and the readings and videos in this unit. Feedback should be appropriate, meaningful, and helpful. by Natalie Slawinski. A thick. I think the relation of my story when compared to migration mainly has to do with the misunderstanding that people within the dominant culture have towards the culture of the people who are migrating. Your discussion post should be unique. I hard part for me would be for to construct a strategic marketing plan, because I have never wrote one before. But shows that you have contrasting views about the idea. nursing care plans examples Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | ted. Hi Lisa and thanks for sending us your introduction. (2015) What is Ethics in Research and Why is it Important? Also, read through feedback on previous assignments from the instructor to ensure you meet the assignments expectations. Customers tend to do research on businesses before looking and paying for a service. Cultural assimilation is the idea that those who migrate show adopt the ideas and presentation of the dominant culture (, 2012). You can get guidelines for how to respond to a discussion post response from Also; you can get quality writing services from My Homework Writers when writing that discussion post or responding to a discussion post. Can you see, Next, I know its tempting to agree or disagree with your classmates. Theres no need for definitions or purpose statements when writingdiscussions; gostraight to the point, answer comprehensively, and cite accurately. We want you to be 100% satisfied with the paper you receive. Mio, J. f., Barker, L. A., Domenech Rodriguez, M. M., & Gonzalez, J. Write an article explaining how to maintain a life without stress and be organized. Response to a classmate'S Post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words - 1, n.d. In other words, answer the question, "What do you think?" Part 2: State why you think what you think. Using proper punctuation will get your point across without necessarily writing in all caps. Substantive responses refer to discussion responses that relate to the course material. Writing your discussion post in all posts gives the impression that you are shouting at the other participants. I agree that nurse leader advocacy can help create positive change within the workforce and improve patient safety. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. This will help guide your peers' feedback. I hope you find this tutor group a welcoming place to be and that you will use it to support your study on the course. Be sure to support your comments. Therefore, put enough thought into what you want to post. 1 scholarly reference.Respond to. Any new response or reply to the discussion is highlighted to make it easy for you to see the changes in the discussion board. But there could be a problem in this structure, that would be that paid participants would answer in a manner that they think would align with the surveyors desired result. It is important to keep length requirements in mind, limiting the scope of your response, so it will remain clear, focused, and relevant to the topic at hand. While you have measured control over the content, length, and tone of student postings, you have full control over your own. If you attached an image or text file to your response, you will see an image or paper clip icon next to the response to show that there is a file attachment. Smile and address the entire room as you speak. Immigrants can feel very afraid and alone depending on where they are. Fill the Order Form: Include all instructions and files for your assignment. joins in school community projects. Have you seen any ethical issues in your life or place of business? The third example, in which students respond to questions about a text, without reference to contextual material, is typical of the more formal, self-contained, and intellectually restrained student postings that dominated the discussion list. Guidelines when posting your response on the order form: include all instructions and files your! Cause other students to think critically about which posts are the most provocative to you response. Be organized ensure you meet the assignments expectations you disagree with your classmates with an mind... Or place of business show adopt the ideas and Insights they can you. For sharing ideas and presentation of the discussion responses that relate to current! Not clear or missing, the writer added some details to the entire post... 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