who was the first missionary in nagalandrichest ethnic groups in the world

who was the first missionary in nagaland

Rev. For three days no man, woman Naga forefathers accepted the Gospel with courage, transparency and simplicity The Annual Session at Kohima, from 11th to 13th October 1966, went further to suggest a prohibition of liquor shops and bars. The Nagaland Assembly announced Indian English as the official language of Nagaland and it is also the medium for education in Nagaland since 1967. At the Council headquarters, the compound not only looked bare and old and despite visitors preferring to stay at the compound, it was not possible to host guests. Zhabu Terhuja taking over as General Secretary from Rev. And yet he declared, I propose to continue, in the months to come, to work as I have in the past, trusting that the Lord will use my efforts to build up His kingdom here. But it is known that at least two of the early converts were destined to give many years of faithful service as teachers and evangelists. The Touch Kohima movement saw Power Points being formed in different colonies where people from different Churches gathered to pray. Kohima 797001, Nagaland. Realising the need to minister to these people, the NBCC began to place Chaplains and Pastors in Churches that served in pockets where the uniformed personnel and their families were stationed. Later S. W. Rivenburg and his wife took charge of the Angami work from the Kings, and slowly won more souls to Christ. Statewide peace rallies were initiated by the Council from 7th to 22nd March, 1997. accepted with collective responsibility of consequent adversity or fortune and On 3 August 1968, "Gen" Kaito, a Naga leader, was assassinated in broad daylight in the heart of Kohima town. The Nagaland Baptist Womens Union was organized in the early part of 1967, and it became the womens wing of the Council. through Godhula and within a short time of acquaintance; the three developed a These Missionaries were farsighted and as they laboured to spread the Gospel amongst the various Naga tribes, they also began to build leadership among the local people to whom they could impart responsibility at the event of their leaving Nagaland to continue . The administrative building complex, with the facilities of general office, rooms for womens work and youth departments, one hall and a guest room, was completed with contributions from the Associations and Churches including a generous grant of `76, 714 from the CBCNEI. that God would deliver peace and harmony among the people. monuments of Gods miraculous work and His sustaining Grace for all Nagas. The Nagas live primarily in Nagaland, a northeastern state of the nation of India. Meanwhile, a new Mission Field had been set up at Ukhrul among the Tangkhul Nagas of Manipur, under the leadership of William Pettigrew. It was in 1897 that the first Naga , named Nisier, converted to Christianity - a religion brought to this exotic land by the American missionaries. Supongmeren lived with Godhula and his wife Lucy from The word Kisama as the locals informed me is a mix of 2 words as in the 2 villages (Ki-gwema & Phe-sama) who donated the land for the Heritage village.This is the place which has been worked out very well by its architects,each morung is in its place as depicted in the map of nagaland.And well Hornbill festival is something else,a visionary delight amplified with beautiful songs and music . The NBCC is also one of the sponsoring members of the Clark Theological College (CTC), established in 1972 at Aolijen near Mokokchung. Witter started learning Lotha Naga language, prepared books in it and taught them along with preaching. His statement was welcomed by the Ao Christians there. "There was a burden and constant intercession for the Nagas. The Council also continued to respond to social issues and the Nagaland Baptist Youth Front, the Youth Wing of the NBCC set up the New Life Ministry, a Ministry to reach out to drug users and alcoholics, at Dimapur in 1996. 1st Step: Go to the NBSE's official website. The Dicksons were young, enthusiastic, musical and evangelistic. In 1918, a group of educated Nagas formed Naga Club in 1918. The nine names were then registered as members of the Sibsagar Baptist Church. [5] After India became independent from British rule in 1947, the Naga became Indian citizens, though an ongoing ethnic conflict exists in the region since 1958. Amazingly, in 1997 only 86 years later, the number of baptized believers had increased to 767,784. Edwin W. Clark and his wife served as missionaries in Nagaland India. The first legislative assembly was formed on February 11, 1964. The American missionary by a name Rev. To commemorate the celebration of 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland, a "Gospel torch" in memory of Dr. Edward Winter Clark, the missionary who brought Christianity to Nagaland, was lit on September 4 at the First . Through their influence a beginning of a spiritual movement was seen among the Angamis and the Smis, and quite a number believed and were baptized. The following month in December, Rev. The Nagaland Christian Youth Movement was organized in 1971 by bringing together the different youth societies such as Christian Endeavour, the Baptist Youth Fellowship. The Peace Mission, supported by church leaders, headed by Rev. Thus on 9th March, 1956, the two missionaries inaugurated the new mission in the presence of about 300 Catholics. Preparing to enter the new millennium, the Council took up the Wiping Clean With Christ (Wic-Wic) and MEG programmes. peering in at the children who were studying and reciting.(Bowers 1929:197) "We have invoked Rani Ma Guidenlu who was a freedom fighter and a Padma Bhushan winner. The NBCC began to expand its mandate and in response to the felt need for the Churches to have a holistic approach to Ministry, began to address socio-economic concerns. Village Council decided to invite Clark and made an appointment with him and Before the end of the decade he had taken an extended break and returned as a medical Doctor. protect my life, and give me strength to live and labour many years among these The NDO has also initiated seminars and workshops on youth leadership and development, theology of development and other socio-economic development trainings. words of the Gospel from Godhula and Clark. This effort continued in 1997 with 2nd December being marked as Repentance Day and Churches observed this day with prayer and fasting. or curse upon their clan of those who decided to accept the new religion and on Answer (1 of 2): About Nagaland The tremendous growth of Christianity in Nagaland started from a place called Molungkimong and is the result of the missionaries, Edward Winter Clark(an American) and Godhula(an Assamese from Sibsagar). Few schools were also opened by the Government in addition to the Mission school. into evangelising the headhunters, Supongmeren was fascinated by the teachings The next day at about mid-day, they set out The first Welsh missionary to Mizoram, David Evan learning basic Ao, Godhula proceeded to Ao-Iand without the Jones, along with Khasi evangelist Rai Bhajur, came and replaced permission of Clark in October 1871. Reverend C-D King and Rev. Church extends greetings and Gods blessings to all the Churches in Nagaland Time after time they called on me and insisted that I After sometime some Smi boys would drift into schools in Kohima and Impur, become Christians and go back to their villages and they either went back to their old life or remained as secret Christians. Clark and his wife continued their work from Molung for the Aos. village, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them At the Council meeting at Kohima from 26th to 29th November 1959, the post of an Executive Secretary was created with the headquarters of the Centre located at Kohima. You have already been appraised by telegraph of our action in advising our brother Rivenburg to take charge at once of the work at Kohima, dropped by our brother King. Rivenburg seemed to lose his interest owing to the indifference and unresponsiveness of the people. It is on record that Lhousietsu, the first Angami convert, was baptized by C.D. Ao Baptist Association 3. A committee was appointed to study and improve the structure and working of NBCC/NMM (ANBC-77/341). The work among the Lothas continued with Haggard reporting in 1899 that an Assamese Preacher had been sent to work among the Lothas, and that they were also considering the possibility of sending someone to work among the Smi tribesmen. reached Sibsagar on November 8. Dr. E. W. Clark and his wife Mary Mead following his appointment as missionary to India, left Boston in October 20, 1868 and sailed for one hundred and sixty days in the bark "Pearl" bound for Calcutta, and after travelling by trains, steamer and elephant, arrived at Sibsagar in 1929:198). The Kohima Field became the gateway of evangelistic effort to the neighbouring Naga communities. The 37th Annual Session at Ngawlwa, from 1st to 3rd March 1974, gave a mandate to constitute a Nagaland Theological Conference for Fellowship and promotion of theological. In the 1870s, Dr. & Mrs. E. W. Clark worked among the Ao people. It revived the Kohima Baptist Pastors Fellowship. In 2009 Rev. A number of consultations and seminars on various themes were also conducted which are significant and may remain as land marks in the history of the Council. E. W. Clark came to Sibsagar in 1869, and restarted the Naga Mission from another Naga region called Dekha Haimong or Molungkimong. But when he went to his village intending to bring a wife, his village was attacked by a neighbouring Naga tribe and he was killed. Drouyer, Azevedo, Isabel, Drouyer, Ren, THE NAGAS: MEMORIES OF HEADHUNTERS vol.1, White Lotus, 2016, p. 24. Angami Baptist Association 2. Vikesheswu Vikesheswu 04.09.2020 Sociology Secondary School answered Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? Later on, both the State Government and the Church were to recognize him as a Man of Peace. His time was eventful and it was full of new ventures. According to their traditions, each village is an independent republic; initially, they wanted to be free from all outside domination. Yimchunger Baptist Association 14. It was during this time that Supongmeren suffering if they accept the new religion. Pongsing Konyak, as General Secretary of the NBCC, played a role in restructuring the CBCNEI, particularly in giving autonomy to regional conventions. The Ministry sought to not only provide treatment but spiritual rehabilitation as well to these young people. came down for trade. Here Are Some of the Most Alluring Festivals Celebrated in Nagaland -. As the Council continued to make rapid advances in work, the number of staff expanded to meet arising needs. Carey, the first Baptist missionary of the modern era, arrived in colonial Calcutta in November 1793 without any travel permits. The NBCC also brought out Scripture Series for Classes 1-8 in 2002 and the State Government granted permission for its use in schools. In this paper he narrated in brief the Missionary work among the Nagas in Nagaland (formerly Naga Hills) and even including the Nagas of Manipur. Stakes are high for the BJP ahead of the counting of votes on Thursday for three state assembly polls as results will signal if it has deepened its roots in Tripura, a Left bastion captured by the party in 2018, and made further inroads in Meghalaya and Nagaland, or the opposition has managed to dent its influence. After the tiring 1952-1997 Nagaland Revival. The Council is also working towards restructuring the Baptist Churches to enable the Churches to make a greater impact. Phom Baptist Association 11. The Church also continued to work at restoring peace. [6], Protestant Christian missionaries from America in the nineteenth century were successful in converting many among the Nagas. During the first year of the launch of the scheme, the Centre had transferred 5.55 crore, while 91.82 crore and 122.19 crore was transferred during 2019-20 and 2020-21 fiscal years . Nagaland Post First & Foremost Nagaland English Newspaper Friday, September 2, 2022. First School of Engineering in the State of Nagaland: First Autonomous College in the North East / Nagaland: First American Baptist missionary to start a school in Kohima: First Naga Post-Graduate: Mr. Sashimeren Aier. The NBCC continued to develop a strong relationship with the Baptist World Alliance. The First Missionaries While serving in the Samoa Mission, Elders Brigham Smoot and Alva Butler were assigned to take the restored gospel to the islands of Tonga. Bayav Hill, Po Box. There were charges and counter-charges between the Security forces and the Nagas for breach of the terms of the agreement. It was voted that three Secretaries be appointed for the three Districts of the time, Kohima, Mokokchung and Tuensang with an Executive Committee comprising of seven elected members (Action Nos. Hence, a budget allocation was made to bring in the local resources, and naturally more contributions were expected from the stronger Associations. The Naga hills have been an area of continued resistance as they had long been isolated from outside cultures. Sema Baptist Association 12. He served the Council from 1960 to March 1967, and helped build the organization to its full stature. Nagaland - Religion. A book "This is my story," by a Christian ministry, the Sinai Ministry . Council. In pursuance of the 1958 decision to appoint three Secretaries, the Executive Committee at its meeting held in Kohima, from 6th to 8th February 1959, decided to appoint L. Kijungluba, Longri Ao and Mhalie to promote the work of the Council with a view to developing it to an effective working body from the beginning of 1960 (EC 59-4). Then, the question of a full operation of the Council also came up in the 1958 session. The Lothas began to take forward strides. Churches in Nagaland which started at Molungkimong (1872), then at Molungyimsen of representatives were given out, some other zealous natives also volunteered In 1891 he was supposed to have said this about the situation of his work, Preparation: no harvest, no earning, no flower, not even germination so far as I can see. He decided to change the approach to his Missionary effort among the Angamis. Under Wic-Wic, people were called to wipe their life slate clean with Christ before entering the new millennium. Press and general mission work of the Assam Mission. Miles Bronson worked among Nagas from about 1842-1852 along with Assamese called Goghula.11 He taught them Christianity and the art of cultivating tea, then Bronson opened a school at Namsang in the Konyak area in the border of Assam. They were overjoyed to learn of a great spiritual awakening among the Angami, Smi, Lotha, and other Naga groups. Ravalico, the pioneer of Catholic faith in Manipur. The major languages spoken as per the 2011 census are Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Angami, Chakru, Sangtam, Bengali, Zeme . Two years later, on March 18, 1913, Edwin Clark entered into his rest. During national and international crisis NBCC has made an effort to reach out and provide assistance whether in Orissa (post cyclone relief), Japan (Tsunami and earthquake) or flood affected Thailand. The new religion and the Padre Sahib were December 16 through the RongsensLenmang (Ao-Ahom Trade Route that ran This marked a turning point for the Council as its scope began to increase. problem and fear. They arrived in Sibsagar in March 1869 and relieved William Ward who had long need of furlough."1 The Nagaland Peace Council (NPC) was re-formed at the initiative of the Church leaders. In 2007, it was once again renamed as Nagaland Missions Movement. In June 1947, a 9-point agreement was signed which promised to bring the Nagas under a single political administrative unit and recognised the Nagas' right to self-determination after 10 years. 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If you want to submit, write to us Contact ]. Even though the agreement was officially declared on 6 September 1964 by organising public meetings and special prayer meetings all over Nagaland, the actual agreement was signed on 23 May 1964 at Sakraba Village in Phek district. establishment of the first Baptist Church in Nagaland. Godhula stayed in the village praying, singing and spreading the Gospel and after staying a few months he returned along with nine Naga converts from Dekha Haimong village. The second Saturday of March has been set aside as the Nagaland Day of Prayer and Fasting, with prayers and fasting being observed at the State as well as District level. By 1959 several standing committees (with one Board), namely, (a) Literature and Christian Education Board, (b) Stewardship Committee, (c) Evangelistic Committee, and (d) Youth Committee, were also appointed (NBCC, Dimapur, 2nd to 4th April, 1959; NC 59/001). King on 30th August, 1885. Buckinghams Bungalow at Amguri. [1][2], During the 1830's, the British dispatched several expeditionary forces to Assam in order to solidify their control over the region; in 1845, British officials signed a non-aggression pact with several Naga chiefs to bring an end to Naga raids on British-controlled territory in Assam. Security forces and the State Government and the Nagas the Angamis observed this Day with prayer and.! Wife continued their work from the Kings, and helped build the organization to its stature. School answered who was the first Baptist missionary of the Sibsagar Baptist Church Celebrated in since! And restarted the Naga hills have been an area of continued resistance they! Helped build the organization to its full stature ; Mrs. E. W. and! By C.D a full operation of the terms of the nation of India and General Mission work the... Children who were studying and reciting rehabilitation as well to these young people northeastern State of Council. 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