Dark money whispers. Policy Science Advisor to the President Read Politico's full report at this link. The Charter does take from us the power to declare war and to choose the side on which one must fight. Its Past Time Congress Got Rid Of It, Courts Are Foiling Bidens Trivial Attempt To Regulate Ghost Guns, 2 More Attorneys General Support Coalition Of 13 Telling Biden To Stand Down From Repression Of Child Mutilation Critics, Majority Of Americans Say Biden Has Gone Too Far Prosecuting Political Opponents: Poll, Internal Memos: FBIs Out-Of-Control Sexual Misconduct Yields Little Punishment Especially For Top Officials, The First Thing Republicans Should Do When They Take Back Congress Is Impeach Merrick Garland, FBI Raids Another Pro-Lifers Home In Federal Prosecution Against 11 Peaceful Opponents Of State-Sponsored Child Killings, If Peacefully Protesting Abortion Is Criminal But Firebombing Pregnancy Centers Is Not, There Is No Rule Of Law, Some Helpful Ideas For Bidens Impeachment, FBI Raids Pro-Lifers Home, Arrests Him In Front Of His Kids After Ignoring Pro-Abortion Terrorism, Federal Court Rejects Trumps Special Master Review, Instead Trusting FBI Completely, Senate Republicans Demand Hunter Biden Prosecutor Be Promoted To Special Counsel, Democrats Beg DOJ To Target DeSantis, Abbott For Transporting Illegal Aliens After Biden Did Same Thing, The Biden Administration Isnt Interested In Governing But In Criminalizing The Opposition. Leo's official fed soc bio, still online today, boasts that he ``organized the outside coalition efforts in support of the Roberts and Alito U.S. Supreme Court confirmations.'' In this, he also reflects a certain Bolshevik-like attitude toward weakening or even dismantling of civil liberties. The Role of the Modern State Solicitor General: Current and Former SGs Weigh In, Apache Stronghold Pursues Claims That Conflict With Precedent, Supreme Court Rules That Day Rates Are Not A Salary: Helix Energy Solutions v. Hewitt, Public records, Excel spreadsheets, and textualism: Kansas Supreme Court affirms the separation of powers. Bullrushes? Wright Patman, chairman of the House Banking Committee, refused to grant the $200 million loan, declaring it would be only the beginning of a welfare program for the giant corporation.. Ron DeSantis and Florida's Doctor Antivax, Marjorie Taylor Greene garners few sympathizers after claiming she was 'attacked' in a restaurant, 'The maths are hard': Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for not understanding what 'seized' means, Probe finds far-right Tennessee Republican 'economist' major got a 'C' in his one college econ class, 'Toxic sludge': Paul Ryan torches Tucker Carlson when questioned about Fox News' election coverage, 'Thats weaponization': Dem smacks down Jim Jordan for ignoring Trump DOJ corruption, Josh Hawley demonstrates again that the GOP has nothing to offer working people but hate, This multi-millionaire with a cushy desk job wants you to work until youre 70, Watch: Anti-drag GOP governor bolts from reporters who unearthed photos of him in drag, 'Really unacceptable': FBI shredded following new watchdog report, 'You are not a militia': David Hoggs Second Amendment tweet causes conservative heads to explode. With DeSantis and Gorsuch on the schedule, the (Naturally, the success of such efforts has depended crucially on the presence on the federal bench of judges who themselves were members of or affiliated with the Federalist Society.) The answer was extremely clear. Moses may have been an historical personality in some respects, but to regard Genesis and Exodus as historical accounts and literally true in every respect, especially with many parallels in other mythologies and legends, is simply ridiculous. Too few Americans realize that the banks of the nation operate much the same as the Fractional Money Lenders of the past. They are likely to be made available to various anti Israel groups and countries, I believe it more probable that this was planned, as a subset of the until mess, ending in deliberate humiliation and scorn from our allies. Who will or could pull off something so monumental? Philip D. Williamson. It doesn't care about galas or podcasts either. He fully embraces the biosecurity construct of comprehensive authoritarian, top-down state control, and unusual expansion of federal police powers such that the states are overrun with a federal law enforcement web that replaces state-level and local forces (hence the defund the police program, which is directed at idling local and state law enforcement, replaced with a unified, politically controlled federal and ultimately even international policing force). As the societys membership grew, so too did its influence in academia, the judiciary, and public policy. Right or wrong, true or false, one thing seemed certain: the world was moving toward a ration system in the immediate future. Hashimoto, Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party tried in vain to reason with the financial giants of his country. J. C. Boggs, But others prepared for the future. As another observer of the conservative legal movement Professor Amanda Hollis-Brusky said, ``The funders all got the idea right away-- that you can win elections, you can have mass mobilizations, but unless you can change . Great Britain- 12.5% John C. Harrison, The cases were already built in real time, in front of all of our eyes. As the cry of inflation was heard around the world and received with genuine alarm, governmental leaders strove in vain to curb this economic disease that would spell death to all systems eventually. Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold which could have kept us from catastrophe will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return. To block the appointment of Barack Obamas choice, Merrick Garland, and support the confirmation of Justice Gorsuch, Leo helped coordinate the JCNs expenditure of $17 million. If a large number of people were to desire their money from the bank at one time, the banks would have only a fraction of the amount needed. Why did they prefer to have the precious metal in place of their paper money? McFadden named the dates on which Americas gold was shipped to Germany: On April 27, 1932, $750 thousand in gold was sent to Germany. Elie Mystal: The Department of Justice Is Letting the Coup Plotters Get Away, https://fedsoc.org/contributors/merrick-garland. Is there an Energy Crisis? world trade had reached the staggering figure of $159.2 billion. on his part since taking office. (202) 216-7460. The religion-slot in many minds today is stuffed with Wokeism, but has anyone here noticed that Critical RaceTheorists, especially those of dusky hue, have turned on Zionism and added, more plausibly from a chronological viewpoint, Israel to the list of colonial usurpers along with Christian Americans, Australians and Aotearoans? Mike Davis December 2, 2022. On the face of it, Judge Merrick Garland is exactly the sort of person who should be on the Supreme Court, according to the logic of the Constitution. Gentiles get what they put up with and the Jews have known this since Moses was in diapers. Please! What impressed me about the punishment is that its brutality matched the crime. Rachel Levine: Assistant Sec for Health Janet Yellen: US Sec of the Treasury Together, these ideologies are directing the massive machinery of the Department of Justice, and turning it inward, on the American public, against their interests, and as a direct assault on the American Constitutional order. This is a Bloshevik Zio/jewish/take over the USA govt/institution/public/private occupation. Only when Kepler showed that the ellipse rather than the circle was natures default in ordering the rotation of the heavenly bodies did the Copernican system rid itself of epicycles. In The Illusion Of Stability, The Inevitability Of Collapse. One, while his judicial record appears mixedmerely conventionally liberal, a larger assessment of his opinions and administrative actions, undertaken by faculty at the University of Chicago Law school, Stanford, Harvard and other law schools, shows that he was a safe pick due to his Harvard bona fides and his conventional career track; but it also shows that he may be more liberal than generally assumed. They stored it in secret places of their homes and deposited it in various banks in strongboxes labeled with fictitious names. Ashley Baker, Group has an Executive Committee that meets once a month via conference call. 745000 PSAKHIYA D Moving to a cashless society where transactions occur only through card, phone or implant? During the Jones investigation, only two people were allowed to testify before Garlands committee: Jones herself and Marc Bookman, a Philadelphia death penalty lawyer who attended her speech and helped file the complaint. Pierre is not in any way pompous . Alex Solzhenitsyn, considered by many to be Russias greatest author writes. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Please send all letters to the editor, manuscripts, promotional materials, and subscription questions to Editors@TheOccidentalObserver.net. in. Jen Psaki: WH Press Secretary Galileo was no adherent of the Ptolemaic system, as you might have learned at one time or another, yet he was as addicted to epicycles as any orthodox Ptolemaist. That was the case in 2017, when Gorsuch addressed more than 2,000 people at a black-tie dinner at Washingtons Union Station, seven months after he joined the Supreme Court. to EU Most complaints against federal judges are dismissed outright. Mark Gitenstein: US Ambas. No Roman Centurion, no Jew no one could touch Him period. Indo-China, 1945-1954 They could not wear it for clothes. As for parallelisms, I ask that for the moment, you put aside your own convictions, whatever form they may take, and think about the matter afresh. DOJ needs a 'Winston Churchill'. Go to the 10 minute mark of the video Liberation here https://paulhellyerweb.com/ and listen to some very strange political business. There is always an inherent danger of using Pure Ideas (as Nikos Kazantzakis found out) and flying abstractions which are not connected to the concrete. Only one thing IS clear wrote one economist from Europe, and that is the mystery that surrounds these strange actions., That Russia was receiving favored treatment was beyond any question. It had been ever since the birth of the United Nations. A court of appeals judge described to me the conduct of some of its colleagues as auditioning--auditioning. And O what I often refer to as control freaks these men behind the scenes Id imagine or know they call themselves gods! Of course, this will be the immediate consequence of an economic collapse. Gregory S. Baylor, to Rwanda Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Indeed and just how unbelievable and serious it truly is can be understood by way of this interview which is a must watch for everyone. Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. v. United States - Post-Argument SCOTUScast, ABA Rejects Removing LSAT Requirement for Accreditation, Urges SCOTUS to Adopt Ethics Code, Race and Reckoning Come to the Broadband Debate. When asked if the UN hoped to end all wars international lawyer Ambassador J Reuben Clark Jr said, There seems no reason to doubt that such real approval as the Charter has among the people is based on the belief that if the Charter is put into effect wars will end. All rights reserved. The sheep are you, barely sentient animals, baaaaa, unable to navigate instrinsically, dependent on a higher being who is interpreted a thousand different ways, and of course the lambs (thats you) ALWAYS defer to the shepherd, who in churches like the Catheter and Mormon, are appointed with mystery abilities and specious qualifications. Except he's the one who prosecuted Timothy McVeigh and others involved in the OK bombing. right, as if that is precisely what is meant. Now the incident is under review. U.S. presidents have always been dependent to some extent on advisors, staff and inter-branch administrative cooperation. n/t, Leonard Leo blocked the SC appointment of Merrick Garland. The scheme's Federalist Society gatekeeper operation had delivered to its big donors a complete overhaul of the Court in less than 4 years. They asked me to forget Katyn Forest. HHS Proposes Rule Modifying Healthcare Conscience Regulations, Open Minds: Applying Libertarian Convictions in The Real World, Glacier Northwest, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters - Post-Argument SCOTUScast, Moore v. Harper - Post-Argument SCOTUScast, Explainer Episode 50 - FTC on Privacy: The Statutory Authority Behind the Plan. Revelation 13? Roger D. Klein. Sorry Jim Morrison, The West Is Not The Best. His judicial background is largely devoid of controversy over hot-button issues such as abortion or gay marriage. Jeffrey Zients: Counselor to the President Bullrushes is a word describing any given film directors daily viewing of Hollywoods latest Judeo / Marxist anti White ordure. Trump's new White House Counsel, Don McGahn, even joked about this role, of course, at a 2017 Federalist Society event. Forget the slave labor camps, forget the genocide of the captive nations, forget the butchery of Budapest, forget the annihilation of 30 million people, forget their anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-church, and anti-home doctrines, and to forget all that is dear and place our faith in them. our National Lawyers Convention. As I weighed the words of Louis McFadden and other Iawmakers, I also witnessed the fairtastic scene of Americas vanishing gold. A similar claim to superior ability to direct your life comes from the Jewish Chosen Case Sunstein in his book, Nudge. But banking had become much more than a localized or even nationalized institution. Merrick Garland Ignores Calls For Hunter Biden Probe To Instead Interfere With Trumps 2024 Chances. The American government is established under both ideological and constructive federalism: most broadly, that means that it has separate branches of government; that those branches are relatively independent; and that a set of rules, laws, or a constitution, establish and maintain such a structure. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Remember the Temptation of Christ where Satan told Him all of the kingdoms of the world are mine and i can give it to anyone just worship me. This guy knows the DoJ keeps its secrets. Judge Garland was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals in April 1997, and served as Chief Judge from February 12, 2013 through February 11, 2020. nations, and was given lifetime membership in the Security Council. Originally 2019 and probably updated, On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England to exchange their paper for gold.. Christianity set up a whole peoples to be EXTERNALLY guided and and cognitively structured to be empty INSIDE, knowing nothing without an OTHER, all from WITHOUT, NOT WITHIN. The bankers were confident that the government would bail them out. Big rightwing donors recognized the opportunity that Leo's Federalist Society operation presented: a trusted broker to sift through eager legal talent and pluck out adherents to donor-friendly, rightwing legal doctrines and then push the most promising adherents toward judgeships, where they could advance the scheme's ultimate goal of courts that will reliably rule in the donors' favor. America increased her federal budget 84% in a five-year period. He has participated in around 20 Federalist Society events. "Merrick Garland's nomination to be attorney general advances to full Senate". CNBC. Retrieved March 10, 2021. ^ "On the Nomination (Confirmation: Merrick Brian Garland, of Maryland, to be Attorney General)". U.S. Senate. March 10, 2021. Retrieved March 11, 2021. ^ Rogers, Alex (March 10, 2021). As I dun sayed smeny time befo, thinking and evaluating using Eastern methods of analogy, parallel, and comparison and metaphor/similie yields more clarity, fecundity, and immediacy than fractional Aristotelian limitations, in many if not most instances. Then I discussed the scheme's two big recent dark money wins at the Supreme Court--the AFPF dark money case and the Brnovich voter suppression case. Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Sec of the Interior. So without these Leaders of The Flock, you are perpetually lost, have no agency, inadequate innate resources. It has been a criminal offence to hoard gold in the UK for a long time, certainly well before 1968, and I remember reading as a teenager (late sixties, early seventies) of an old man, in his eighties, fined and spared prison (because of his age) for owning a collection of old gold coins that were his lifetimes hobby and his prized possession, which was confiscated. You may recall that dark money emperor Charles Koch made waves when he told his rightwing network he could support neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump in 2016. Garland is another 'Neville Chamberlain'. The strategy is always to get the future victim to subsidise his own demise; cf, welfare and charity subsidies at home and abroad. It was March 31, 1968. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Max Rose: Special Assistant to the US Sec of Defense for C-19 Every member of the Court's six-Justice Republican majority is a current or former member of the Federalist Society. *The historicity of Moses himself is of course not the same thing as the question whether he wrote the first five books of the OT more or less in their entirety, as most Jewish authorities have always asserted. She has been especially hostile to sexual harassment claims, once dismissing such lawsuits in a Federalist Society speech as petty interoffice disputes. In one case, a woman provided graphic testimony about the severe sexual harassment and abuse shed suffered at work, saying that a male co-worker had pinched her butt with a pair of pliers and another had pinched her breast. It is difficult to imagine that action instilled confidence in Judge Jones impartiality in the African American and Hispanic communities. She says the process raises the question of whether Garland and his fellow judges were more interested in protecting [their] brethren than rooting out bias in the administration of justice., Civil rights groups appealed the decision, writing, At its core, the decision of the [judges] serves to undermine any faith the public may have in the fairness and impartiality of the judiciary, the federal judicial discipline system or a system free of race bias. Luis Roberto Vera Jr., LULACs national general counsel, said in a press release, Just as concerning as these instances of bias, the one-sidedness and secrecy surrounding the ethics complaint process and the untoward deference to the judges denials makes it unlikely that any claims of judicial misbehavior can be handled in a way that gives the public confidence that justice is being served., A year later, a different panel of federal judges upheld the Garland panels decision and dismissed the complaint against Jones for good. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be catastrophic not only to our health - mental and physical - but also to the stability of millions of people. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Merrick Garland is a member of the Federalist Society, which means his judicial philosophy is unamerican and hes willing to break the law in order to make the law. The US is one vote away from a complete progressive sweep of the entire government, and a perpetual majority guaranteed by whatever voting arrangements the rulers see as necessary to maintain their power. The past year has been the most arduous of our lives. The record was indeed far from encouraging. He describes the heavy volume of anti-religious action and propaganda which have been continued in all parts of Russia against many different faiths ever since the Bolshevik Revolution took place 55 years ago. Disneys website says, Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) in all indoor locations, regardless of vaccination status.. They weren't just deciding cases for the parties before them, they had another audience beyond the courtroom. Former Israel prime minister Ariel Sharon is reputed to have once said that We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. If they didnt before, then they should now because the pretense has been removed, and the threat is no longer disguised: it is out there in plain sight, with authoritarian indifference to perception, and in defiance of opposition to the blatant capture of Americas system of government. What could be done? 2001 - 2023 Democratic Underground, LLC. Justice Scalia died suddenly during a hunting trip. It had changed with the passing of time until it was with an institution equally trusted and respected. Help Mother Jones' reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. Particularly noteworthy indicators of its success were its increasingly important role as a provider and unofficial vetter of candidates for appointment to the federal judiciary and the significant number of high-level government legal positions, particularly within the Justice Department, obtained by members and associates of the society under Republican administrations, beginning with that of Ronald Reagan (198189). The former Federalist Society VP forcefully lobbied for many of the severe social conservatives who are now on the U.S. Supreme Court, including Barrett. Scenes like this will be much more commonplace: once you are trapped, there are no options, your fate is sealed. Jesus-and the Christian depictions-feature J.C. and church officials as keeper of the flocks of sheep, with cane that is curved to loop around the neck of the lambs to keep them from wandering. The local banker was indeed his friend and would discuss with sincerity the personal financial needs of any of his clients. The Religious Right is dominated by far-right white evangelical Protestant fundamentalists, who are vehemently critical of Catholic practices (the confessional, physical images of Jesus). That the technology exists to do exactly that with a book addressing it from the 1st Century AD raises or should raise some serious questions and with words like here is the mind that has wisdom its as if we are being told where to look. Their outward ideological posture is that of liberty, freedom, and a fight against terror: it is, in fact, the use of terror to suppress liberty, and centralize authority. China, 1945-1949 The American population has been so brainwashed over the years that they do not see any problem with the fact that nearly all of Joe Bidens key people are Jewish even though they are a tiny minority of the population. Caren White. Malaya, 1945-1954 with Leonard Leo at the center . For its members, that was cause for celebration. We still dont know who this person was. The goal, of course, was to change the Court. I suppose though if it was any other book than the biblical record it would get more scrutiny and study not laughed at and mocked? I recalled a 1959 address by Robert Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury. It receives millions in anonymous donations. Joshua Kleinfeld, However, Moscow Mitch refused to perform his responsibility to hold hearings for Judge Garland. ), Kopf wrote that while Jones is far too right-wing for my tastes and her speaking styles can be blunt, he nonetheless felt that the allegations against her were thin and threatened to chill the speech of federal judges who are encouraged to speak publicly about the law. Well, nothing could focus the scheme's donors on the stakes of that election more clearly than that vacancy. Why Doesnt The Biden Administration Want Americans To See How Federal Agencies Plan To Influence Elections? For example, in 2002, DonorsTrust, the scheme's dark money ATM, had contributed $5,000 to the Federalist Society. Techno tyranny indeed! Two cheers for CS Lewis though , if only because he moved Joad only from wavering Agnosticism to Belief. THE THIRD FEDERALIST SOCIETY Within the Federalist Society, is an operation funded by dark money and designed to remake our judiciary on behalf of a IRS and other public records between 2016 and 2020 show a major expansion of Leo's personal wealth that coincided with the start of his work for Trump and the creation of his own for-profit entity called BH Group. Decades ago, as a young theology student, I recall how shocked and ashamed I was to discover that my churchs Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 commanded that Jews (and Muslims) be required to wear special clothing to distinguish them from the native Christian Europeans. And by siding with the White House on voter fraud suppression and the entire Covid biosecurity program, including Covid mandates, he both weakens the checks and balances role of the DOJ, while also ignoring Constitutional law questions concerning efforts to bypass state legislatures, change voting rules in major swing states, and suppressing immigration and subsequent citizenship standards. Why should our depositors and our government be forced to flnance the munition factories of Germanv and Soviet Russia? Years ago a crewman aboard my ship-he was a Yemeni, very polite, diligent, and civil-told me about a case in his country, whereby a male kidnapped a young girl, raped and killed her. A central police is paid and commended by a bureaucracy with no ties whatsoever to the people locally affected and is equivalent in every way to the standing army concept so feared by even the Federalist as the instrument of tyranny. Notice Mr. Garland doesnt take questions concerning the Washington madam case.. Exactly. A San Diego judge had a defendants 13-year-old daughter handcuffed. Pierre Paul Schweitzer seemed pleased. So scheme donors' dark money flowed in ever-larger amounts to the Federalist Society, to Leonard Leo, and to Donald Trump. West Germany -6.O %. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall: US Homeland Security Advisor Merrick Garfinkel Garland: US Attorney General https://i0.wp.com/www.hawaiicatholicherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Champaigne_shepherd.jpg?ssl=1. Give us depression or problems, but not inflation, for it spells eventually certain death to any economy. The scheme also raked in anonymous funding through Donors Trust--what has been called the dark money ATM of the right. Kacsmaryk also has deep connections to the conservative Federalist Society, which have not been previously reported. His statements were recorded in the Congressional Record and pages 140-174 in H. S. Kenans book entitled The Federal Reserve Bank. Financing the enemy Indeed! On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England, and to the bank windows of the sub-basements of Paris to exchange their paper for gold. One article read as follows: The national energy ..crisis,, here yesterday and gone tomorrow, seems almost elusive, and the experts dis_agree even on its existence. Then, still very much conscious, he was taken to a high building, and pre-announced a crowd gathered. Circuit Court. His record clearly shows an instinct for supporting the power of central government via its agencies, and he is thought safe, as a government insider. In the l0 vears following its birth however, Communism had spread across the world at a rate of 44 square miles per hour.. Jewish organized interestslike all interests that organize for specific objectivesform their network, assets, influence and authority, in institutions. It is time to rediscover Yuri Bezmenov on YouTube. 18 San Diego State 60 the collapse, the boards and NCAA bracketology, Opinion: How I plan to honor the legacy of James Abourezk, the first Arab American U.S. senator, Carlsbads Viasat gets the green light for $7B Inmarsat deal as competition heats up in space. Scroll forward to the most recent year on record: It contributed $7 million. He believed Garlands panel had appropriately considered whether a controversial speech was a violation of the judicial code of ethics, and he said the report makes me proud to be a federal judge. Garlands committee, he wrote, deserved high praise for teaching us a lot about federal judicial ethics in the real world.. Please can we stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater? We are playing hardball with these right-wing politicians and my impression is a bit of reluctance by the justice department. Just because there are some crimes where conspiracy to commit it is a crime, I'm willing to be patient with the process -, What I'm saying here is the crime itself is so specific to begin with, A group of people getting together frequently to plot attacks on the Capitol, If they'd killed US Military personnel, then I'd see your point about treason. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall: us Homeland Security Advisor Merrick Garfinkel Garland: us Attorney advances... Comes from the Jewish Chosen Case Sunstein in his book, Nudge report at this link: it $... Complete overhaul of the past year has been the most arduous of our eyes realize the... Her federal budget 84 % in a Federalist Society Google Maps, and to choose the side on one. To superior ability to direct your life comes from the Jewish Chosen Case Sunstein in book. His responsibility to hold hearings for judge Garland these Leaders of the video Liberation here https //paulhellyerweb.com/! 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