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bad cold going around 2022

Winter is the prime cold and flu season. Same with the stupid fucks who believe in Jebus Cripe. There are also those whose immune system hasnt responded to the vaccines as well as we would have hoped, and they are also getting sick, so we need to have that as a caveat, she explained. I had extremely thick mucus that wouldnt clear. I had a lung-rattling cough for about a month that's finally tapering off. Recession fears could also be making workers feel the need to show up sick. "I had fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath in December. Distinguishing COVID from flu can be difficult because the symptoms overlap so much, explains Dr. Brooke Bozick, an NIH expert on respiratory diseases that affect the lungs. ", Experts predicted Covid would normalize the sick day. I wonder if steroids might help you. One small teaspoon of honey has proven particularly effective in children, with one 2012 study concluding that it showed an improvement in their sleep and reduced nighttime coughing. R191, one of my first symptoms that I'm trying to come down with something is my neck. People are complaining about a common cold virus at the moment which is so bad, some have mistaken it for COVID-19. If one is coughing and not producing any phlegm, then probably a cough suppressant is in order. Just hung out with two people who had it- one of them got it in Dec. 2019 and was out for 6 weeks (at that time, doctors couldn't tell her what it was), and the other, mid 2020's, his symptoms weren't bad (the whole family got it), but this father was in the hospital for 3 weeks. The Ontario Respiratory Pathogen Bulletin does not contain COVID-19 specific data. The first telltale sign might be a sore throat, and over time you'll likely develop other symptoms like coughing and a fever. Sheesh!! [quote] I have no taste for coffee at all. This makes a lot of sense now. From one of many, many papers on the subject: [quote]Blood group antigens represent polymorphic traits inherited among individuals and populations. The 2020-2021 flu season was practically non-existent due to COVID-19 . It may help to elevate the head of your bed when you're sleeping, especially if you have chronic breathing issues. Hello and thank you for registering. The Walkin' Dude. The conversation between R7, R10, R12, and R14 is fascinating documentation between people who actually had the virus, and someone offering them a diagnosis. From mid-December to mid-January, I was sick. Sufferers are mainly complaining of coughs and sore throats with less than half having a running nose or high fever. And luckily I got the last dose of over 65 vaccine they had in stock. I've had no fever, though I did have night sweats several times, and they would then turn into chills. Do it now. But they told us the antibodies do not seem to last very long at all. Has anybody who had this strain over the holidays last year which feels very much like COVID gotten an antibody test? My mom had a terrible illness around that same time where she couldn't get out of bed for weeks. It's all dry. Then found I was COVID negative and had no allergies. I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom. We wouldn't know, because of course, they would not have posted here again. So, no, I don't think I had CV. "We are seeing more of these upper respiratory tract infections," Dr Hespe told Daily Mail Australia. Gastro-intestinal symptoms and nightmares like never before. even now, the testing is limited. It would be interesting if the Coronavirus was around earlier. But at my next 3 month visit my WBC were still elevated so I got sent to a hematologist. We were at pediatric urgent care at least twice. A very BAD covid. Before this thread was created. Nor is blaming Fed Ex pilots (are you retarded?). [quote] ], WebMD is only one of many sources praising chicken soup. On the 2nd day of being sick I developed an odd cough, not really a productive cough that brings up chest mucus, but more of a dry, asthmatic, choking type of cough. I originally posted at R25, December 16, 2019. Now I know of three other people who have the same sequence of cough, congestion, conjunctivitis, incredible sore throat, runny nose & back to deep cough. Government health officials on Friday warned of an early and severe start to cold and flu season in the United States, saying they were closely monitoring hospital capacity and medical supplies and were ready to send help if needed. The 2021-2022 flu season has been mild, the CDC says, but it has come in two waves, with the second wave lingering longer than previous ones. I have no taste for coffee at all. We have vaccines for two of the three viruses we talked about influenza, and COVID 19, he said, and he urged Americans to take advantage of them, though not enough have. We enjoyed the benefit of not having influenza for the last couple of years, primarily because of SARS-CoV-2. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab717. I remember very well : it started on Christmas eve, the first two days I was basically stuck in bed shaking with zero energy and a fever, I thought here we go, caught the actual flu, I'll be down for at least two weeks. Were not saying it doesnt make you feel better. Everything is so filthy these days and it makes for horrible flu seasons. I'm curious about this because I had many of the symptoms include fatigue, tightness in the lungs and even something that looked like pink eye. I was feeling better within the week (took 1 day off). Fresh air is one of the easiest ways to reduce heavy congestion and clear your head, but there is another reason why you should try to step outside in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms. There is another bad cold going around now. The cashier at my grocery store had a cold, ACK now her germs are on everything I bought. I had this cold and posted on this thread last fall. At one time the coughing was so bad, I think I coughed up what looked like a piece of lung-tissue. By the next RSV season, the US may have its first vaccine. And absolutely none of those claim it cures the common cold. Really worked miracles. Yesterday was really bad. Minimal sneezing, too. It attacks over and over again until months or a few years later, it finally kills you. Flu cases usually start to increase around October and peak between December and February. Lighten up Francis r116 yes you probably give good advice but ease up on the attitude. Maier HE, Kuan G, Saborio S, Bustos Carrillo FA, Plazaola M, Barilla C, Sanchez N, Lopez R, Smith M, Kubale J, Ojeda S, Zuniga-Moya JC, Carlson B, Lopez B, Gajewski AM, Chowdhury M, Harris E, Balmaseda A, Gordon A. Clin Infect Dis. When I'm drinking it again, that's when I'll know I'm better. It will be impossible to find the "first" patient in any country, Balloux said. Researchers like Walter and others are working to develop flu vaccines that last longer and offer broader protection against many flu strains. They can also loosen congestion in your chest and nasal passages so you can breathe.. The regular cold/flu season along with extremely high pollen count is complicating this Covid mess. As you see, you are unlikely to die from it, but people do. Flu is caused by an influenza virus that is located in your lungs. Last Spring, my sister said she had the worst flu she ever had in her life, and despite her doctor testing and determining that she had flu stain A, I still wonder if it was COVID. Hot showers do help to feel better. More evidence coronavirus had spread to the West BEFORE China came clean: LA doctors find evidence it may have been circulating in US MONTHS earlier than first reported case. If you've been exposed, please also consider taking N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) 600mg in the AM and PM for next several days. OP is right, this has been a bad one, gone around my office twice now, I've missed about 6 days work from it. Of particular concern is a so-called super cold, which is not simply one new mega-virus but an onslaught of many different viruses hitting unprepared immune systems. I was so much better within a couple of hours. I had it in January and it lasted for 3 weeks. Heavy mucus and sinus pain from all of the congestion. When I was sick as a kid mom would give us Campbells chicken soup and a Coke and tell me to sip it slowly. Still, "there's morepressure to get people in, and it's hitting at the same time as cold and flu and RSV season.". I had a fever followed by three weeks of a debilitating dry cough in late 2019. I completely perked up on the third day, but by then I had woken up with a nose almost completely blocked. Oddest thing I've ever had. 2021 May 18;72(10):e476-e483. It was right before Thanksgiving. It's just a covid. Im certain covid was going around much earlier than thought. If that one ever becomes more contagious we are really in trouble. No lemon or honey or salt water gargles. Ugh. I am interested to get the antibody test, bc I have never been sick like this (I had the flu in 2011 and 2013 and neither time did it last that long). Painful sore throat. But it was kind of odd we had such a hard cold and flu season before CV-19 even hit. So what if they think they're helping 'cure' themselves. Be prepared to changed into a similar shirt and cap the middle of the night. There are idiotic Deplorables here and there wearing the mask below their nose, but most people obey it. it does seem that when a person gets the virus again they get it in a milder form, still, better be safe than sorry. The fever usually lasts for 2-3 days, and the cough with congestion and runny nose may last for 5-10 days. Im really curious if this was cornoavirus. Five of them are more than 90% full: Rhode Island, Arizona, Maine, Minnesota and Delaware, along with Washington, DC. (WPEC) WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) About two . Many of his patients just have the common cold or pneumonia. My doctor prescribed another, but I want to wait til I know everything I need from the drugstore before I go and pick it up. I swear I had it over Thanksgiving. (SACRAMENTO) Winter may have come and gone, but some of its respiratory viruses are still here and circulating in our communities. As the 2021-22 cold and flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses to blame for their symptoms. No conjunctivitis, thank God. Of course people had it back in December and January - that's exactly when people take their winter vacations and travel through international airports. I'm r138 and wanted to share some interesting news I just watched on tv : they tested blood samples from people admitted in the ICU for severe pneumonia in late December in my country (France) and one of them was positive for Covid19 (December 27). With there's no single cure for any of these illnesses, home remedies are the best bet for most people to ease persistent symptoms - but which so-called cures are actually worth trying? Body fluids had filled the room: Inside Australias grisliest job, Shaylas family speaks after desperate 48-hour search ended in a miracle, A $60 payment appeared in this Aussie mums bank account. Without having contact with regular viral infections during that time, Dr Hespe said our bodies had not had the regular reminder to our immune system to have a good response. People around the globe are falling prey to a 'super cold', which bears very similar symptoms to coronavirus. There wasnt a lot of mucus or post nasal drip otherwise. Theres no real mystery about why viral illnesses are on the upswing, said Dr. Michael Mina, who is an epidemiologist and chief science officer at eMed, a company offering telehealth test-to-treat services. As of Friday, seventeen states have less than one in five beds available. Then back to bed for a while and then shivering. Clinical spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 infection and protection from symptomatic re-infection. My car is covered with yellow powder and my eyes are itchy and watering constantly. Totally, it was the very first id heard of it at all, likely any of us. I am using a cool mist humidifier in my bedroom. I dont care if I picked it up there, Im never going to stop eating there. Sick and exhausted for 6 weeks. Usual, high (100102 F), sometimes higher, especially in young children); lasts 34 days, Rare, except for those with allergic asthma, Common; can cause trouble breathing or persistent pain or pressure in the chest that calls for immediate emergency care, Avoid allergens (things that youre allergic to), NIH has developed guidance on treatment of COVID-19, which is regularly updated. He was SOOO sure of himself too. A 2013 review of studies found that regular supplementation (one to two grams daily) reduced the duration of a cold in adults by eight percent, and in children by 14 percent. The CDC also tracks flu vaccine data in special populations: 3. I've had whatever this is since February 9, and every symptom is gone except for having to spend an hour blowing my nose every day, especially right after I wake up. If we all found out we have the antibodies, we could all be allowed back to work. It's a bronchial virus. appreciated. It's the least she can do to keep herself, her family members and her teammates healthy. He also advised people not to try to guess what they had based on their symptoms alone since many of these viruses can cause similar symptoms. Mucus has been the star of my viral infection. I said, Ive had a cough fir 2 years & nobody thinks I have anything wrong with me, but my WBCs keep coming back high, so theres donetbing wring. It seems more like a bad cold. It's literally non-stop coughing for a week (so far). That's true of many drugs no matter what the expiration date says on the package. Maybe you will be fine, but do you really want to risk it when you can wait? Dr Hespe said the European influenza usually entered Australia in January and February, gaining traction among our own community in May and June. None of the OTC or prescription meds are working. Weekly cases counts are less complete for the most current weeks, but there have been more RSV cases detected by PCR tests each week in October 2022 than any other week in at least the past two years. Other treatments are in development and under review. It's called the Beer Flu. I also had pink eye. Chicken soup helps. Im interested to see if people who had this also get coronavirus. First off, get your RAT test to see if its COVID, and then preferably do a telehealth call first to decide whether you then need a clinical exam as well, Dr Hespe told Why Everyone Has the Worst Summer Cold Ever As pandemic restrictions begin to relax, common viruses that cause drippy noses, stuffy heads and other cold symptoms have roared back to taunt your. As of September, 36% of organizations required workers to be in the office at least three days a week, up from 25% in August, according to a Gartner survey of 240 HR leaders "even though our data shows working remotely, for those who can, does not negatively impact performance and culture," Walsh says. "You shouldn't come to work sick. Once i went on an international trip where i was with the same 40 people for 10 days. It arrived just when life seemed good again. During the day I supplement with the orangey gel tabs. Wearing sweat shirts and hats to bed is not a treatment and it doesnt cure anything . Flu vaccines are designed to protect against the four types of flu viruses that scientists expect to circulate that year. My sense of taste returned quickly but sense of smell has not except for occasional phantom smells from time to time. I added a Western product for those who don't like Chinese medicine. She also worries pandemic lessons on well-being are fading into the background: "In some ways, it's ridiculous we have to have this conversation," she says. I was sick as a dog for 4 weeks with night sweats , no taste , no smell, and fatigue, I am not one of those asymptotic people. We all wonder if it was the lesser strain of Covid-19. There are already hints that this year's cold and flu season could be bad: On Oct. 14, the CDC reported early increases in seasonal flu activity. Building 31, Room 5B52 RSV is a common contagious virus that infects the human respiratory tract. I was hospitalized for 5 days with pneumonia and almost died. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published21:59,23 March 2022 GMT. CNN Government health officials on Friday warned of an early and severe start to cold and flu season in the United States, saying they were closely monitoring hospital capacity and medical. They should stay home until symptoms subside and then go about their life. r229. R10 I don't know where you got your flu numbers from but they are wrong and far too low. Arkansas & Tennessee. I too suffered from this odd cold mid December. Stored properly it does not seem to go bad. My sinuses were so bad that I was shaking from the pain and not thinking rationally. Tiredness. Sore throat, low grade fever, chills and exhaustion, but none of the other aches that come with the flu or a cold, aside from pulling muscles in my back and stomach from the relentless coughing. The answer to smooth sailing through flu season? Lots of people coughing and sneezing, and they also have sore throats. A Division of NBC Universal, Jamie Grill | Tetra Images | Getty Images, Possible symptoms for the common cold, flu and Covid. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Got a towel to remove the sweat. Avoid dairy products. The 3rd-4th day, I threw up and was extremely nauseous. But you know, it's a random world and she didn't listen to her body. You were going to get better anyway. &A: Dr. Emmanuel Walter on COVID-19 Vaccines and Kids. Symptoms: upper chest, dry cough, clearing my throat a lot (couldve been acid reflux). Zuniga-Moya JC, Norwood DA, Romero Reyes LE, Barrueto Saavedra E, Diaz R, Fajardo WC, Pineda A, Torres D, Barahona R, Leiva SO, Hernandez PX, Silva H, Leiva CR, Estrada L, Barahona-Campos A, Gordon A. Clin Infect Dis. I thought the pink eye was odd. When safety doesn't come first! I also took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C in the winter. Deakin University chair of epidemiology Professor Catherine Bennett warned that the flu may also kill more people than Covid this year, due to 'less immunity against the flu now because we've skipped two flu seasons'. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. Did any of you who got a flu shot still get this cold? Cough has mostly abated, but when I do cough, you'll want to move away from me. If you do come down with a cold or the flu, then drink plenty of fluids - at least eight glasses of water a day. I live in the middle of flyover land in a small city, and lots of people around me had similar symptoms. Stranger too is that my sister got sick the day after I did & she was even worse. Im on three weeks and still coughing and runny nose! National Institutes of Health Which is why I'm freaked out about it right now. Im 5x vaxxed now, but about a month ago I got sick with the WEIRDEST cold when I was 4x vaxxed & still wearing a mask indoors. R135 and r140 have said what I recently have been saying. Some return to normal is exciting, but returning to normal pressures to go into the office when sick is something I had hoped we left behind.". The link below is to a ProPublica article but there are many articles in science related publications including the Harvard Health Letter about drug expiration dates. Its too early to know, I believe. According to the CDCs data tracker, just 8.4% of eligible Americans have received a new updated Covid-19 booster. Damn. After two horrendous weeks, I just got out of a severe cold; and am waking up all covered in sweat again. I just wish testing (both types) was more readily accessible. Everyone on my flight to London seemed to have it as well and we were all sharing cold/flu meds with each other. The stuff you used to be able to get in a bunch of store brands that was made by the Perrigo company is hard to find nowadays, though. Fears Constance Marten and partner's baby 'could have been dead for two weeks' as post-mortem is set to take 'He has shown no remorse': Carrie Johnson says the early release of Joanna Simpson's killer BA pilot husband Schools in London, the South East and Wales to shut today as teachers stage THIRD day of strikes in blow to Model, 44, 'smuggled 5M in criminal cash into Dubai by hiding banknotes in suitcases on two flights from Paedophile's victim poses as a sex abuser online, befriends him and lures himinto admitting raping her: Boris Johnson 'could make first comments on Brexit deal TODAY' amid DUP meltdown with hardliners saying it Grinning and bearing it? Wear a mask in indoor public places. Bethesda, MD 20892-2094 My roommate got tested for Covid yesterday. I have elective surgery coming up in December, and I think theyre either going to end up cancelling it or I will. in October. R216 I was responding more to those who are looking at posts from December and retrospectively attributing them to coronavirus despite having different symptoms from the COVID-19 profile. . She thought she was better and didn't pay attention when she started feeling dizzy and short of breath again. Coughing fits that wouldn't stop. . Nice knowing all you doomed people though. But lies and disinformation are rife online, anyone suggesting that some of this and that means it could. I had this starting in early February and am just about over it. Also suggest adding preferably raw garlic, onions, capsaicin - the active ingredient in chili peppers or use Louisiana hot sauce, as well as Tumeric and curry powder to your chicken or vegetable soup. Not whether it tastes good or reminds you of your mom, or if the emulsified fat liquifies secretions. It lasted about 2 weeks and started to feel better in week 3. What you should know. Well informed and detailed. A person with COVID-19 typically shows symptoms about 5 days after infection, although this can range from 2 to 14 days. Cases of the "super cold" are continuing to spread throughout the UK, with millions of Britons experiencing classic symptoms of cold and flu despite winter coming to an end. I started her on the Mucinex/, cough suppressant/ Tylenol regiment. Going to the doctor for a test as as soon as you start to feel bad could help you take advantage of early antiviral treatments which are available for influenza and Covid-19. Mel B reveals her Spice Girls bandmates knew about the 'abuse' she suffered while she was married to Stephen Do YOU know how much a flooded home costs to repair - and is it covered on your insurance? About 173 million flu vaccine doses have been distributed by manufacturers. People do realize that Covid didn't "break out" when they started testing for it, right? R160, I could have written your exact words. Productivity-wise, you're unlikely to be performing at your best, and on morale, colleagues showing up sick "brings the whole team down," Nayyar adds. The flu has already entered Australia, it was detected in late December to late January with people coming in from overseas, which we knew would happen.. A normal cold for her would have "a runny nose, sneezing . This is why companies need to bring back maintenance crews and clean their buildings, floors, windows, desks etc. Tricky emoji quiz will put your knowledge of childhood classics to the test. Typically, flu peaks in February, so this is considered late in the season . I used to laugh when my older relatives complained about getting a cold in their neck or other body parts. When it is possible for me to get an antibody test, I will do it, so that if I have already had it, I can volunteer to do an essential job. South Dakota reports its first influenza death of the 2021-2022 season Really? R213. Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]. Maybe next time, you can warn us about bush beating al gore. Typical. It was unlike anything I've ever had before. For more tips on guarding against getting sick this winter, see the Wise Choices box. A nasty cold hit New York City and much of the country this summer. High inflation and a volatile stock market are putting stress on organizations and productivity, particularly as many try to close out the year in a shaky economy, and "there's a temptation to push people to go all-in and work until they can't anymore," Walsh says. I'm at day 18. They died before April but not in huge numbers, that's the point. Until then, the case fatality rates being bandied about are just speculation. I drink a lot of teas (fennel, mint, camille), and when I feel even the slightest hint of a flu symptom I get myself an Earl Grey tea with lemon, honey, and lots of rum and go to sleep. You can unsubscribe at any time. Reading this thread makes me want to spray Lysol on my IPAD. Feeling sick can be especially concerning these days. I'm hoping it's just bad allergies (we already have pollen all over our cars in Atlanta). And who knows? The way it COMPLTETLY knocked out my sense of smell- how it went away all at once, and seemed to come back all at once. With international travel back on for Australia, this also means that travellers are bringing new viruses Down Under that Aussies haven't developed an immunity against. The uptick in RSV cases is a good proxy that "a lot of respiratory viruses are circulating now," says Dr. John Swartzberg, a clinical professor emeritus at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. Finally got over everything and have been fine until Thanksgiving. Op, I would contact a doctor or medical center and ask if they can test for your already having had it. I've been laying in bed mostly. Well I had it in late Nov early Dec & it coincided with my trip to the city where I always eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant, owned by Chinese immigrants who routinely travel home & back. File image. Also, the staph explosion a few years ago happened at the same time that most all hospitals were taken over by investment groups, and the non profits consolidated. Happy Holidays! The only thing that helps, for me, is rest. I had fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath in December. R351, thank you for your comment. There is oral medication that quiets the reflex and doesn't contain opiates. R274 - onset in China is thought to be November, but could be earlier. I have a large bottle and if you only take it for cold relief you're going to have it for a long time. RSV cases are also increasing nationally, although there are regional differences in the circulation of these viruses, Romero said. The spikes in viral illnesses have already begun to strain hospitals. A couple co-workers had, at that time, travelled internationally. What's this stubborn, nasty cold going around the Jacksonville area? But because of other similar symptoms, theres really only one way to be certain if you have COVID-19 or flu: Get tested. A friend was very sick with covid-like symptoms in December but didnt test positive for the antibodies in the spring. Sounds like coronavirus. why do so many otherwise interesting reports have to be produced in this cheap, maudlin style? I told my boss no working for me, went home, find this thread and the new medication combo. Over the counter drugs, Chinese herbs, teas, lotions, potions & incantations arent curing your virus. A cold is caused by an adenovirus that is located in your nose and sinuses. When I read what I wrote - I am kind of upset. If you do come down with a flu or cold, taking NAC in the AM and PM can shorten the duration of the illness. Kind of upset of over 65 vaccine they had in stock day after did... Trip where I was shaking from the pain and not producing any phlegm, then probably a cough suppressant in! Weeks of a debilitating dry cough, sore throat, shortness of again. Some have mistaken it for COVID-19 family members and her teammates healthy and flu season practically! People coughing and runny nose may last for 5-10 days primarily because of course, would. Theyre either going to end up cancelling it or I will never allow in a.... 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